30 Jul


By Jon Roberts – Casper, Wyoming … While academies and multi-room schools often get acknowledged and are well known, the small one-room school, modeled by the founders of the Adventist church, is still active. It provides unique challenges, but can also create greater community missionary involvement. Adventist education is vital to growing healthy churches and engaging youth and young adults. The one-room school has a role to play.

Recently, at the Wyoming Camp Meeting, I sat down with Traci Pike, teacher at Mountain Road Christian Academy in Casper, Wyoming and chatted about the joys and the taxing situations of the one-room school experience.

According to Pike, the biggest difference and advantage of teaching where all students are together, is the comradery built between students. “Well, one of the things that I see as an advantage of having multiple grades in one room, whether it’s four grades in a room or eight, is that it starts to teach the older students to be caretakers of the younger. [One] example [would be that while] I’m busy with a third grader, a seventh grader should be able to help a second grader with their math or help a second grader with their English, so you get some of that cooperative learning.”

It also enhances education beyond their grade level, she explained.  “When you’re all in one room, while you’re not necessarily teaching the second graders fourth-grade math, they still hear it. Then sometimes, they’ve heard it a few times already so by the time they get there [to that level], it’s not necessarily a brand-new concept to them. They learn from the older ones that way too, and that’s definitely an advantage.”

Another edge multi-grade classrooms have is it teaches the students to have empathy. “I think it also helps teach the kids how to deal with different ages, different grades, when you’re all together. When you’re always with your age group, everybody acts in the same way. However, seventh graders act very differently from those in second grade. It is teaching them to be patient when sometimes they are not,” Pike said.

With so many advantages to teaching a multi-grade room, could there be any disadvantages? For Pike it is time. “Some of the disadvantages, at least for me as a teacher, is time because while I can group some things together–Bible, social studies history, and science– English and reading have to be at grade level. So, it just gets very difficult to get everything, to fit everything, into a day or a week.”

Other than time, curriculum can be challenging in a one-room school. “I love our new Bible curriculums and our new science curriculums. They’re beautiful. They’re so Bible-based and I love that, but they’re not easy to teach in a multi-grade classroom. What we need is curriculums that can be taught across the grades.”

Pike’s situation is unique, not only because she is a one-room school teacher, but because she grew up in Casper and returned to begin her second career as a teacher. “I went back to school in my mid-thirties and, I had no intention of teaching at the church school because it’s my home church. I feared the difficulties. I never got a job in the public school system. So, I substitute-taught for two years and then our teacher at the church school resigned towards the very end of the school year, which makes it more difficult to find a teacher,” Pike reflected.

After being asked and interviewed by the church, Pike accepted the position; however, as she explains, she was afraid of the first year because of being well-known. “In my classroom, I had my own son, two of my cousin’s children, and other kids, who had known me their whole lives.”

“I was concerned because how can I be objective when I’m already this close with everybody? I was afraid of my friendships being hurt. What I found out instead was that everyone was super supportive and eager to step in to help and tell me I’m doing a good job or help me figure things out when I didn’t know what to do. First-year teachers still have first-year problems, even if you’re in your forties. It doesn’t matter.”

Pike explains that the highlight of her teaching ministry happened this past year when two students, whose only connection to the Adventist church was a friend they played junior hockey with, decided to give their lives to Jesus and be baptized.

Pike also recalled a student who had never heard a Bible story or prayed before. “I have had at least three students in my school, one this year, and I’ve had two little boys previously, maybe some more, who didn’t know any Bible stories. I got one little girl, who during her first day of school with us while Ms. Lynette [teacher aide] was doing the Bible story, asked, “Who is that? Who is Jesus?”

“That’s the moment. That’s why we’re here. That’s what’s different. We can learn English, math, history, or science anywhere, but at public school, where she had been, they weren’t going to stop and tell her who Jesus is and why Jesus is so wonderful. And then to hear this little pumpkin, who at the beginning hadn’t ever even heard His name, who didn’t even know Him at all, to hear her praying the sweetest prayers by the end of the school year, that is what makes it worthwhile”

A one-room schoolhouse also has the opportunity of offering practical, hands-on learning, whether it is how to cook lunch as a group, to knit, or to take care of the other “children” in the classroom that happens to have four legs, one thing is evident–every day brings opportunities to learn lessons that can’t be learned in a book.

Mrs. Pike was happy to share that “the one animal that has started coming to school is a puppy. We got a COVID puppy. She comes to school with me and she does really, really well with the kids. She’s very protective of them. When somebody comes into the school building that she doesn’t know, she is on it. I’m not quite the animal person that my sister-in-law Jodie is. She is a zookeeper for sure.”

NEXT WEEK the story continues with Jodie Gage, teacher at Delta Adventist School, a one room school, and the goat that joined PE class.

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photo by Jon Roberts

22 Jul


By Jon Roberts – Worland, Wyoming …. In a recent email to supporters of the ministry The Hope of Survivors, Steve and Samantha Nelson announced that they will be retiring as directors at the end of 2021.

The ministry, which focuses on ending clergy sexual abuse, has been challenging and also a blessing over the last 20 years. Recently, during the camp meeting event at Mills Spring Ranch in Wyoming, they shared their two-decade long experience with The Hope of Survivors.

“The Hope of Survivors has blessed [us] in many ways, including being able to travel around the world to minister to broken lives and hurting people because of clergy sex abuse. We have also been able to plant similar organizations in various countries. However, it has been an awful lot of hard work and, yes, it has been a heavy burden to carry at times.”

Samantha recalls that the ministry has often been very challenging [when] dealing with different church entities. “They don’t want to recognize or deal with the issue and want the ministry to just go away so they don’t expose the real-world issues that affect the church, not only in Adventism but [also] other denominations.”

Steve agrees with Samantha’s perspective on the ministry which they ran together for 20 years adding, “I think it’s opened the door for a ministry that never would have happened had we not gone through with this and started the ministry. We wouldn’t have been able to touch [some} people’s lives without it. I mean, these are huge issues. You can’t really put a price on being able to spiritually talk to a situation that nobody was talking about.”

They shocked some, disappointed some, and angered some for discussing this issue, but they would do it all over again, Steve added.

He explained that the struggles have taken a toll on Samantha’s health which led to the counsel by medical professionals that they step aside to reduce the stress.

For those in the Adventist church who would like to bury their heads in the sand and imagine this issue is not prevalent, Samantha has strong words of counsel.

“I would say you have absolutely no clue what’s going on within the church because it is a very prevalent issue within Adventism as much, if not more than it is within the Catholic church or any other denomination. We are not immune just because we’re Seventh-day Adventists.”

“You need to educate yourself and be aware. People really need to educate themselves and not blame the victim. Don’t say it takes two to tango, and make it seem like it’s an affair when it’s not, because clergy sexual abuse is all about abuse of the power held over the one that they’re supposed to shepherd and watch over,” Samantha said.

She added, “It’s frustrating at times to hear people still say, ‘Well, that doesn’t happen at our church.’ What makes you think you’re immune? It’s not a denominational problem. It’s a human sin problem and we have sinful humans within the Adventist church.”

What has been challenging to the Nelsons is that the church is receiving credit for speaking out when, in fact, the church isn’t addressing the issue adequately at all.

“The Adventist church has actually gotten a lot of kudos that they didn’t technically deserve because of what The Hope of Survivors has been doing. And to explain that, I’ll just say that victims who contacted us believe that we’re speaking on behalf of the Adventist church, and they’re like ‘Wow, I’m so grateful your church is speaking out about this. All churches need to,’ and we’d let it go, but it hasn’t always been the case of the churches speaking out. It’s mainly just us and The Hope of Survivors,” Samantha explained.

She added that “one of the things we used to hear a lot was, ‘Why do you want to air the church’s dirty laundry? Why do you want to expose this? We are not supposed to talk about it.’ Our perspective on that is that transparency leads to trust. If you want victims and others to trust you, you need to be transparent. You need to be honest. You need to admit this is a problem.”

Success stories of the ministry can be both sad and joyous, according to Steve. “The sad part is there are success stories that are short-term and some that are long-term. The short-term ones can come to mind quickly. The long-term ones are more complicated. We know that marriages have been saved; people have stayed with the church, but then later on, their marriages disintegrated because the abuse is that difficult to deal with.”

The success stories are evident in the volunteers with Hope of Survivors, according to Samantha. “The majority of our volunteers were prior victims who had contacted us for help. Then, as God healed them and used The Hope of Survivors in that process, they wanted to become a part of it. They are the ones who are going to be helping carry The Hope of Survivors forward when we’re not here anymore.”

“Other successes are the lives that have been saved. I can’t even count how many people have said ‘I was ready to commit suicide and I found your website. You saved my life.’”

As the Nelsons prepare to close this chapter of ministry in their lives, they are taking with them the blessings God has given them–“The blessing of knowing that what God called us to do, so long ago, won’t die because we step away. He’s gonna make sure that it carries on and will continue to impact lives and save lives around the world,” Samantha expressed.

Steve is looking forward to hearing the stories in heaven. “I take with me the thought of eternity and hearing about how this ministry has blessed individuals and saved them from hurt and pain.”

They want their ministry to be remembered as groundbreaking and as them having the courage to speak to these issues. “[This is] an absolutely essential ministry to those who are hurting from clergy sexual abuse. There really wasn’t any other organization doing what we were doing when we started. I believe that’s why God called us to begin this ministry to fill that void. I just want it to be remembered as something that made an impact on Christians of all denominations. In fact, I shouldn’t even say “Christians” because we’ve actually had Hindus, Buddhists and atheists contact us for help,” Samantha said.

Steve wants people to remember them as individuals who finally stood up for the victims and who helped those who were in desperate need to reconnect with the church and with God.

The Nelsons ask for prayer as they wait to see what else God has in store for them in future ministry while continuing with their pastoral ministry in Wyoming.

On January 1, 2022, Martin Weber, a board member since 2008 and a retired hospital chaplain, will become Board Chair and President of the organization, with Shyleene Rosado and Carlos Rosero serving as CEO and treasurer, respectively, who currently are leading the Latino division.

To learn more about The Hope of Survivors please visit http://www.thehopeofsurvivors.org

–Jon Roberts is RMC media / communication assistant; photo by Sherry Taylor

20 Jul


By Jon Roberts – Casper, Wyoming … “It’s been a long time since we’ve had kids running around screaming and making noise, and learning about Jesus in camp,” Brent Learned, Mills Spring Ranch Camp director, expressed about welcoming youth back to camp and referring to 2020 when camp was not held.

As Engage Base Camp campers begin to pack their gear for MSR, Learned reflects on the lost year of summer camp and how important this week is to the campers.  “I especially feel for the kids that don’t have a safe home. Summer camp is the one week of the year that they really look forward to. It’s a safe place where they can connect with Jesus and with their friends.”

MSR is about reaching out, not only to campers in the Adventist church, but also to the community.  Part of the outreach this year is teaming up with Angel Tree Camping Ministry, a subsidy of Prison Fellowship. This partnership allows children with an incarcerated parent to attend camp free giving them the opportunity to come to a safe zone for a week as their home life is usually very difficult and most of them have never experienced summer camp before.

Learned offered the roofing contractors, who replaced the roofs on all camp buildings earlier in the year, the opportunity to send their children to MSR. He added that finances would not be an issue for the contractors who couldn’t afford camp.  “These are kids that have never gone to church before or to summer camp. It’s a brand-new experience.”

During the summer of 2020, even though MSR couldn’t welcome campers, staff and volunteers were busy improving and building new attractions.  One new activity is a sand volleyball court. Being very intentional about creating the court correctly, sixty tons of sand was hauled in, explained Learned. He added that eleven new rock-climbing routes and two rappelling routes await the youth. However, the newest attraction is a redesigned fire pit with benches. The project was designed and created by Casper resident, Gary Gauge, a student-intern from Union College. The homemade benches were made from trees located on the camp property and include no rebar, unlike the old benches that were uncomfortable to sit on.

Aside from the activities campers can submerge themselves in, Learned explained the real motive behind the camp experience is to initiate or assist the campers in their walk with Jesus. “The main point of camp is to connect and reconnect kids with Christ so that they can grow in the knowledge of salvation. Everything that we do is focused and centered around getting to know Christ.”

He added that worship isn’t just in the morning or in the evening. “It’s an all-day focus. First thing in the morning is our camp council worship as a group, and throughout the day, we begin every activity with prayer. The camp staff is always open to having conversations, mentoring, and building those relationships with kids throughout the day. The week-long play continues every single night, all week long, focusing on the story of Zacchaeus this year.”

He added, “To conclude the day, the cabins come together for worship before they go to bed. So, Jesus is in the center of absolutely everything we do.”

Engage Base Camp kicks off on July 25 and currently more than 30 are signed up there is room for more.  You can register online at https://www.millsspringranch.com/summercamp or by emailing brentl@rmcsda.org  or by showing up on July 25.

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photos by Jon Roberts and Casper church Facebook

14 Jul


By Jon Roberts – Montrose, Colorado … After a mandatory year off, the 21st annual Cowboy Camp Meeting assembled with some 75 attendees experiencing five days of a past lifestyle where the only worries were, “Do we ride the horse or the ATV to the meeting tent?”

The meetings, nestled in the heart of the National Forest, were attended by individuals from seven states, including a few outlaws, or non-cowboys, from Denver. The common thread of conversation among everyone was, “It’s good to be back!”

“It feels great to be back. This is one of the most beautiful spots in Colorado,” Ron Johnson, secretary treasurer of Cowboy Camp Meeting Association, enthusiastically exclaimed.

“It’s wonderful to be back,” Sharon Fisher, from Montrose, commented about returning after a five-year absence.

For others it was all about renewing friendships and connections. “I love seeing people I haven’t seen for a long time–people from all over the conference. It’s a real joy,” Wesley Cooper, a church member from Montrose, expressed. He added, “It’s such a great environment up here in the mountains. I’m a Colorado boy and I’ve lived in Colorado all my life. The mountains are home. I love it.”

The mornings featured Nathan James, pastor of the Moab, Utah district. His presentations focused on understanding the times in which we live and knowing what we ought to do.

For James, this was a unique experience. “I love the setting. It’s amazing. I enjoy the flexibility of the schedule, and the fact that there is some really great spiritual food, morning and evening, and discretionary time during the day.”

The evening concluded with Dick Duerksen, Oregon Conference story teller, doing what he is known for–telling stories. One story he told with gusto was about a couple living a not-so-licit lifestyle who started to attend an Adventist church. He explained how the man tested God in his tithe.  At first, nothing happened and the man was losing faith till his girlfriend convinced him to start tithing on his “not-so-legit” business. The couple was financially blessed until one evening they called the pastor asking him to do three things for them that weekend–marry them, baptize them, and help them start over with a lawful life in another location. Duerksen explained that this story is proof that when we fully trust in Jesus, our lives will improve.

Duerksen, who drove to the camp from Portland, Oregon, enjoyed the gathering immensely. “I think what I have enjoyed most is the spontaneity and spiritual interest in the people that are here. People who are just as thrilled to be at 9000 feet as I am–closer to God.”  What he hopes individuals will take home from his stories—“You can trust God; He’s a good friend.”

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photos by Jon Roberts and Ron Johnson

17 Jun


By Jon Roberts – Casper, Wyoming … Adventure awaits at Mills Spring Ranch, July 13–18, during the Wyoming camp meeting.

The five-day gathering will not only refresh and reenergize your soul; it will also provide fellowship, new friends, and plenty of time to explore the natural beauty of Wyoming.

The event theme “Fearless” will include feature presentations by Tom Lemon, vice president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and former president of the Mid-America Union Conference. The gathering will also have daily seminars on men’s ministry, sharing ministry, and stewardship.

The afternoon is available to explore Mills Spring Ranch and the wide-open spaces of Wyoming’s nature. Suggested activities include fly fishing, photography, hiking, and rock climbing. Dr. Scott Grivas from A Pattern Lifestyle Center will also be providing afternoon seminars on health.

Ensuring that the physical body doesn’t go without nourishment, chefs Debbie and Dennis Pumford return to provide attendees with culinary masterpieces.

Sabbath will be a day of togetherness beginning with a Sabbath School discussion led by Wyoming pastors followed by Lemon providing a thoughtful message. Later in the day, attendees can enjoy a concert that will be sure to satisfy the soul.

Go ahead and request time off from work, pack your bags, and take a road trip this summer to Mills Spring Ranch to enjoy what has been missed in the Zoom world from which we have finally emerged–togetherness with human interactions and nature.

To register for camp meeting please click here https://static1.squarespace.com/…/WYCampMeetingReg.pdf or email wycampmeeting@yahoo.com

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication / media assistant; photo by Rajmund Dabrowski

10 Jun


By RMCNews – Montrose, Colorado … Buckaroos! Cowboy camp meeting returns to the Uncompaghre National Forest near Silver Jack Reservoir, an hour outside of Montrose, Colorado, July 7 through 11, featuring a chance to reconnect with God while enjoying the mountains with family and friends.

Whether you arrive by horse, four-wheeler, or RV, you will instantly feel at peace in the surreal beauty that awaits and, yes, you will be unplugged from the world as the campground is located near the end of an hour-long drive on a well-maintained gravel road with no cell phone service or internet to distract you.

Refresh and reconnect with God as you enjoy seminars throughout the event featuring Dick Duerksen, Oregon Conference storycatcher and storyteller; and Nathan James, pastor of the Moab, Utah church.  Music for the gathering will be provided by Folk Mountain Gospel featuring Don and Donna Mohl.

Items to pack for the adventure include: housing (tent or camper and bedding); solar showers (no shower facilities exist at this campground, but porta potties will be available); drinking water (the nearest potable water is three miles away; food (personal meals for the week and something to share for potluck on Sabbath; camp chairs (everyone provides their own seating during tent meetings); appropriate attire (warm jackets/clothes for cool evenings and sun screen for warm, high-mountain days; it is not unusual to have rain); outdoor recreation Items (horses, ATVs, hiking boots, fishing gear, canoes, etc.

If you are bringing horses, keep in mind that you must provide a way to confine your animals, feed must be certified weed-free, and there is a creek and reservoir for water.

Also be prepared for high altitude as the campground is above 9000 feet.

Interested in more information please contact camp meeting coordinator Adam Smith by email greeleyfrontiersman@gmail.com or visit https://cowboycampmeeting.org/

Saddle on up and enjoy a trip in time to an era where cowboys and cowgirls ruled the land.  Just remember when you arrive to greet each other with “Howdy, partner” and tip your hat.

–RMCNews; photos by Rajmund Dabrowski and Ed Barnett

08 Jun


By Jon Roberts – Littleton, Colorado … The RMC priority of engaging youth and young adults is more than just a catch phrase at Littleton church; it is a way of life for the multi-generational congregation.

With more than 60% percent of the church family budget going to support Mile High Academy, the church is actively involved in engaging youth and young adults during the school year.

For Alise Weber, children’s and families pastor at Littleton, the summer filled with youth events, was the only choice. “With the world opening back up, there are youth and young adults that we are seeing at church once again. I feel like this summer is a unique opportunity to re-engage, reinvest, and recommit to this special group. For those that haven’t been able to attend church services or special events, we want to let them know that they have been missed and we are here for them.”

The first gathering of the summer occurred on June 4–less than two weeks from when school let out–with a Friday Vespers at Chatfield Lake where High schoolers enjoyed an evening of swimming, water sports, food, fellowship, and worship. The weekend wouldn’t be complete without an event for the Middle schoolers, who on Sunday evening enjoyed an evening of bowling competing against Chris Morris, Littleton’s associate pastor, at Bowlero in Lone Tree.

The gatherings over the weekend were attended by individuals who don’t normally attend church events when they are offered or who are not actively involved with their schools.

The rest of the summer includes baptismal classes beginning on June 9, Vacation Bible School planned for early August, vespers throughout the summer on various weekends, and many more events.

The church is also planning an event for the entire multi-generational family, a night of joy on June 12, which will not only be a chance to fellowship with games and root beer floats, but also enjoy Hebrew dancing, and the evening will conclude with a movie to finish the current sermon series on Joseph.

Rajmund Dabrowski, RMC communication director, appreciated hearing about churches in the Conference leaving zooming events behind. He remarked that “it is great to see churches recognize what has been lost over the past year, the human interactions, hugging, hand shaking, smiling without masks. This is vital to the existence of the church. It seems we have zoomed ourselves to near death.”

Littleton congregation continues a vision of building a healthy multi-generational church while engaging youth and young adults in the church family and supporting Adventist education.

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photo supplied

27 May


By Jon Roberts – Cañon City, Colorado … Before friends, extended church family, co-workers, and invited guests, John Davidson, pastor of Cañon City church district, was ordained to the gospel ministry on May 22.

Mickey Mallory, RMC ministerial director, addressing the large crowd which had gathered to witness and support Davidson in this important ministry milestone remarked that it was a miracle Davidson was able to be there. Mallory went on to explain that just a few weeks ago, holding the service seemed impossible when Davidson’s health took a sharp decline and he was anointed.

Davidson met Karen, his partner in ministry, while attending Andrews University in 1982.  After owning and operating two businesses and being a parent to two children, Codi and John, God called them into ministry in 2006.

“In the fall of 2006, our church held a Revelation seminar. They began at a neutral location where I was involved with information and security. When the seminar transitioned to the church and I was not needed at the entrance, I was able to take part in the remainder of the seminar. As I sat and listened evening after evening, I can remember saying to myself, and to God, “I can do more.” I believe this was the Holy Spirit talking to me and calling me to be a laborer for Him. The Lord was changing me and transforming me into being willing to be used by Him. Would I be willing to go if asked? Yes! If was asked to go speak, I would go. If I was asked to help, I would help.”

Remarking on Davidson’s work, Tina Pearsall, Cañon City Adventist Community Services assistant, simply stated, “He has done everything we needed.”

Pearsall related an incident which she had witnessed a few days earlier as Davidson returned to the campus after an absence due to his medical condition. “He was here for the school bonfire awards night and the children saw him and started screaming, ‘Pastor John!”’ They came running over to him, but stayed six feet away to ensure he didn’t get sick anymore.  We’re waiting impatiently for him to come back full time.”

Louis Torres, assistant to the presidents for evangelism of AWR, explained the history of ordination and the great responsibility that comes with it during the ordination address.  He explained that being ordained was like a wedding.

Ed Barnett, RMC president, invited all the ordained and commissioned ministers in attendance to surround the Davidsons to not only support them in ordination, but to pray that physical healing occurs.

For Davidson, being ordained means, “being confirmed by your co-laborers in spreading the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” He added, “I never actually thought I would be ordained. The Lord was going to use me here and there and I was going to do what the Lord was asking me to do.  Ordination was never on my radar.  This was a surprise and it will be a blessing.”

Davidson says he is thankful to the leadership at the conference for recognizing his ministry. “I am thankful the Lord has opened the door for me to serve in the Rocky Mountain Conference. Thank you, RMC leadership, for the opportunity to labor with all of you in this conference, but most importantly, for Jesus.”

The service ended with Davidson and his wife kissing in response to the crowd shouting ‘Kiss her’, in reference to the wedding analogy.

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication / media assistant; photos by Jon Roberts

24 May


By Jon Roberts – Cañon City, Colorado … Hundreds gathered for the first Southeast Colorado camp meeting, May 19 – May 21, at the Cañon City Adventist church. The theme, “The Healing Presence of Jesus,” focused on putting the love of Jesus first in personal life.

John Davidson, pastor of Cañon City church district, began the Sabbath services by declaring: “It’s a miracle I’m standing here this morning.” Davidson who has been battling health issues, went on to say, “It’s a miracle you are here today,” referencing that the event had to be cancelled last year due to the pandemic. He thanked the many individuals who took over the planning and coordinating of the event when his health declined.

For Pueblo First church member, RJ Vigil, having a church filled with many children was the highlight of the weekend.  “I really enjoyed [seeing] how many people were here.  It was amazing to see the church this full. That’s the most children I’ve seen at the children’s story before.  I also liked the praise and worship music, but I’m biased since the team is from my church.”

For some, camp meeting was a new experience. “This is my first camp meeting and I know it is not like camp meetings of old, but it is amazing the number of people coming from all over, especially the Arkansas Valley.  It’s encouraging and exciting,” enthused Sandy Shute, Colorado Springs Central church member.

The meetings featured Ron Kelly, pastor of Village Adventist church in Berrien Springs, Michigan. His messages focused on the healing touch of Jesus, and centered on the modern family and larger church relationships. Kelly accepted the invitation to speak at the gathering because of a deep pastoral friendship with Davidson.

Other presenters included Louis Torres, assistant to the president for evangelism of Adventist World Radio, who shared his conversion and life testimony. The audience also listened to the musical talents of Angel Award winner, Vonda Beerman.

The highlight of the gatherings for Cañon City members was also witnessing the ordination of their pastor, John Davidson.

Next year’s camp meeting is already being discussed and planned.

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication / media assistant; photos by Jon Roberts

20 May


By Jon Roberts – Denver, Colorado … The Rocky Mountain Conference has a presence at the first “Global Camp Meeting,” which launched on May 19 and is sponsored and created by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.  The virtual event, featuring workshops and speakers from around world, includes a three-part series by Andy Nash, pastor of Littleton church.

Titled “Meet @ the Text,” the workshops will feature two discussions on how to study the Bible verse by verse and will include a presentation of Nash inviting Mile High Academy students and Chris Morris, associate pastor of Littleton, to join in a short study of the Book of Jude.

Nash explains how he was invited to help out with the global event.  “Previously I had done some writing for Thomas Nelson Bibles, so they asked if I would be willing to do a workshop on studying Scripture. This is one of my favorite subjects, so I was happy to help.  I particularly enjoyed our third session when my colleague Pastor Chris Morris and I studied the book of Jude with two high school students.”

Inductive Bible study is a passion for Nash so it was natural that the workshops he created were rooted in scripture.  “I love inductive Bible study and feel like it’s how we’re meant to study the Bible and preach the Bible.  When a congregation leaves church, they should be thinking about the Scripture, not the speaker.  As a pastor, I want church members to be studying Scripture for themselves—Monday morning as well as Sabbath morning.”

What does Nash expect the online gathering will accomplish?  “My hope is simply for people to fall in love with their Bibles, which is living and active.  Once we’ve entered into God’s Word, we are forever changed.”

To join the “Global Camp Meeting,” visit https://2021.campmeeting.com/ Nash’s sessions will be located in the auditorium under media ministries.  All times are listed in Eastern Standard Time.

To view the Bible study Nash conducted with Mile High Academy students click here: https://vimeo.com/552977341

 –Jon Roberts is RMC communication / media assistant; photo supplied

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