Prayer Opportunties:
Every Wednesday Morning, 6:30-7:30am
Every Thursday Evening: 7-7:30pm
Please email Jana Thurber for access number
“Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” Romans 12:12 NLT
The purpose of Rocky Mountain Conference Prayer Ministries is to encourage a thriving culture of prayer in our local churches, and in turn, encourage our individual members to experience a closer relationship with Jesus through prayer. The RMC prayer team offers support to local church prayer coordinators as well as trainings, resources, and prayer events.
You may call 303-282-3618 and leave a voicemail prayer request. Email prayer requests may be submitted here.
Please pray for our Rocky Mountain Conference family in Christ to deepen our commitment to Jesus through prayer, so we can truly know Him and make Him fully known to everyone around us.
We’re looking for individuals to be part of our prayer team which is simply made up of people just like you who are willing to pray for others and who want to grow in prayer. Please join us!