Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Conference Membership Services page. We’re here to help you, the local church clerk, to keep your membership records current.

Rocky Mountain Conference Membership Clerk
Kelly Waller

Please contact me with any questions that you have about membership, eAdventist, and church attendance. I am happy to help you get and keep your church records organized!

Resources for Church Clerks and eAdventist Users

A Message to Church Clerks:

As church clerk, you are charged with the responsibility of keeping accurate membership records.  Keith Burden in his church magazine cites several scriptural examples that illustrate the importance of accuracy.

“In the book of Numbers, the Lord ordered two numberings of the men of war in Israel.  The purpose for the first census was to organize Israel’s military and assign religious duties.  The second census was ordered to prepare Israel for the campaign to occupy Canaan and would serve as a basis for dividing the land among the various tribes.  Moses found this information to be critical for bringing order and direction to the nation.

In Ezra 2, the priest and scribe who led a group of deportees back to their homeland from Babylon assisted in rebuilding the temple and restoring worship there. Because certain individuals were unable to produce appropriate documentation and valid family records, they were disqualified from ministering as priests (Ezra 2:59, 62). It was an unfortunate outcome that might have been avoided had proper records been kept.

In the book of Esther, we read an intriguing story about a beautiful young Jewess, an assassination plot against the king, and a conspiracy to exterminate all of the Jews in the Persian Empire.  Because certain events were recorded in the book of the chronicles, the sinister plot against the Jews unraveled and God’s people were spared annihilation.  In all probability, this story would have had a much different outcome if accurate records had not been kept.”

The Membership section of this website will supply information to assist you in maintaining accurate records.  Whether you’re online or offline, our goal is to maintain church records in such a way that we safeguard the history of each member and that we continue to update records as changes are made.