Communication is a vital component of the activities at Rocky Mountain Conference. News sharing and involvement with a variety of media is a part of what church members can expect and where they can involve themselves. As Seventh-day Adventists, we can be proud of having included communication as our mission. It has always included the available media of the day, beginning with print.
Advertising and promotion was quickly added to our public presence as evangelistic outreach became part and parcel of our mission. Adventist involvement in public relations is recognized as first among Christian denominations in the United States with a PR office established at the world headquarters of the church at the beginning of the 20th century.
The Rocky Mountain Conference aims to establish communication as a ministry that embraces every Seventh-day Adventist. As we consider the RMC Mission Statement–Knowing Christ and making him fully known–as our vision and call to action, we act as communication professionals within an intentional and focused mission-–Building Bridges of Hope. Our vocation is underwritten by a global Seventh-day Adventist communication strategy: Seventh-day Adventists will communicate hope by focusing on the quality of life that is complete in Jesus Christ.
In our regular communication activities, we are committed to creative relevance (1 Cor. 9:19); to standards of excellence (1 Cor. 3:13); to express our communication in the context of the church’s vision and mission; and maintain relevance to the culture of the communities in which we live. The methods include news and information services, public relations and media relations, as well as media productions and on-line services, including this Web page.
Through our intra-church communication, we share our church news with church members through NewsNuggets, a weekly eNewsletter issued each Friday morning and sent to subscriber’s email addresses. News stories and announcements are also available on the RMC main Web page. To sign up please use the form at the bottom of this page. Our archive of NewsNuggets can be found here. The communication department also publishes Mountain Views, a magazine sent out to the homes of all our church members in Colorado, Wyoming and part of New Mexico. This publication offers inspiration and commentary on church-related issues, as well as plans and developments within the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.
Being part of a larger faith community, we share our stories with the Mid-America Union’s Outlook, the North-American Division’s NewsPoints, and other news services of the church. “Like” us on and “follow” us on Twitter @RockyConfe.
We want to share your news — Change is a part of the communication age. With online media experiencing constant evolution, the NewsNuggets is also experiencing an increased access from our readers and contributors. We will continue to encourage news sharing from our churches, institutions, and individual church members.
In order to make our eNewsletter accommodate an increased volume of announcements, our editorial work proposes to present information in a more efficient approach, ensuring that all timely promotions and announcements be included in a weekly, Friday release of NewsNuggets. Submission deadline for stories, news, and announcements is at noon every Wednesday. Please send all your submissions to [email protected].
Thank you for your contribution, but also your comments, as NewsNuggets continues to serve the church in an efficient and effective way.
NOTE: Questions are being raised regarding guidelines for the Announcement section of the RMC NewsNuggets newsletter. After a review of the guidelines, the following few points should be considered when sending announcements or promotional materials:
– The newsletter has been established primarily for news sharing within the conference, though selected general church news stories are also considered for publication.
– The primary readership of the newsletter are church members within the Rocky Mountain Conference.
– When submitting an announcement, consider that local Sabbath events may be drawing members from other local churches.
– Promoting evangelistic meetings in NewsNuggets is not attracting potential attendees for whom the meetings are primarily advertised.
– Announcements will not be repeated more than twice, and they should be concise. Web page links or phone numbers should be provided for additional information.
– Articles may be edited for clarity.
-Please submit a photo/video release form with your articles. Please click here to fill it online.
Photography » NewsNuggets welcomes photographs. Photos are crucial for making our publications interesting. Church members react with interest to see pictures from their church. Your quality pictures may end up elsewhere, too, on the Web, on Facebook, in OUTLOOK, and everywhere else. We request that photographs are in high resolution and 16:9 ratio, as well as in a horizontal format. Photographing minors requires a signed release form by a guardian or parent. IMPORTANT: make sure to credit those who took them.
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Members can follow the link above to sign up for weekly news and to keep up-to-date on what’s happening around the Rocky Mountain Conference.
We are inviting all correspondents and contributors to follow a general Adventist News Network Style Guide, including glossary. For guidelines, see:
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