Ministerial Director Mickey Mallory serves as pastor and coach to our staff of 65 part-time and full-time pastors. “I am deeply passionate about helping every pastor thrive in their health, family, and ministry,” said Mallory.

Serving as “pastor to the pastor” means providing Rocky Mountain’s great team of pastors with encouraging support and guidance, as well as assistance in leadership development, conflict resolution, and areas that will bless their ministries and their congregations.

Beginning in 2014, the Ministerial Department implemented an annual planning and evaluation process for all churches. This yearly process allows for ongoing dialog between pastors and their local church leaders through evaluation as well as prayerfully considering what plans God is laying on their hearts for the coming year. This information is reviewed with each pastor with the ministerial department and RMC administration to maintain an open dialog of how things are progressing in each district of the conference.

The Ministerial Core Values of F-A-I-T-H began as a desire to better define what pastors value as most important, both personally and professionally. The five-word acronym is the foundation for the ministerial core values of Friendship, Adaptability, Integrity, Teamwork, and Humility. Formulated over a period of six months by a committee of seven pastors, these core values embody the character attributes and leadership principles that can offer awareness and guidance on both a personal and professional basis. Follow the link below to see a snapshot of what Rocky Mountain Conference pastors have developed and adopted as their core values for living and leading.

Please join Mickey in praying for spiritual and numerical growth for our conference through the ministry of our pastors as we keep “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith” (Heb. 12:2a).

Equipment Allowance for Pastors Holding their own Evangelistic Meetings

A Message from Mickey Mallory

Mickey Mallory

Phone: 303-282-3627

Jana Thurber
Ministerial Spouse Support

Phone: 303-282-3638

Kelly Waller
Admin Asst.

Phone: 303-282-3635