09 Jun


By Jon Roberts – Loveland, Colorado … Mission and outreach to the community was at the center of the Northeast Colorado camp meeting on June 4, which was held on the campus of Campion Academy.

The gathering was organized by 17 churches and featured the theme Our Greatest Need.  Speaker Hyveth Williams, director of the ministry program and professor of homiletics at Andrews University, interwove the theme throughout her presentations with the Sabbath worship message titled “Prince of Heaven is our brother”.

Reflecting on Williams’ presentations, Rajmund Dabrowski, RMC communication director, said he will remember the message of “Don’t give up on yourself as there is always someone who will recognize your need and value and will look after you.”

For Mickey Mallory, RMC ministerial director, Williams’ conversion story was exciting to him because of the result possibility of mission and outreach. “The enthusiasm of Dr. Hyveth Williams, expressed in her preaching, was contagious. After hearing a portion of her conversion story, it was easy to see why she was so excited and passionate about Jesus. When you think about how good Jesus has been to us, shouldn’t we also be excited?”

The programs featured special music from various members and church groups.  “The music was inspiring,” Mallory explained. “The praise and worship team lifted our hearts to Heaven.”

The gathering also featured mission spotlights, including a report on the recent work done by the Adventist Community Services in response to the Marshall Fire. Cathy Kissner, RMC ACS director, told those in attendance that the ACS team served more than 3000 family units over five months.  Mic Thurber, RMC president, thanked Kissner for her dedication and hard work and presented her with a certificate of appreciation from the Rocky Mountain Conference.

Kissner also recognized her team of volunteers, Larry Brandt, Valerie Lowe, June Spaulding, and Pam White, who have put in numerous hours of service to minister to the communities of Louisville and Superior. Her team was also recognized by the state of Colorado for their service.

The gathering of participants also heard reports from the RMC literature ministries team, which featured personal stories of outreach and ministry in the community.

As the afternoon program and the camp meeting came to a close, members left the campus with mission on their minds. They could be overheard saying the messages by Williams, and the mission reports challenged them and encouraged them to serve in the community and be present for their neighbors.

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication / media assistant; photos by Rajmund Dabrowski

02 Jun


By Jon Roberts – Denver, Colorado … Lead pastors from Rocky Mountain Conference churches with multiple pastors gathered in Denver during the month of May for training on successfully managing a multi-staff church and overcoming unique obstacles.

The training, which is the first of specific group training planned for pastors in RMC, was facilitated by Dave Ferguson, lead pastor at the Collegedale Adventist Church. The extensive workshop, held over two days, covered a broad range of topics, including how to improve team communication and clarity, generate team alignment and engagement, build team trust and unity, foster team caring and inclusivity, resolve conflict in a manner that preserves and enhances the team, and network with colleagues who pastor in a similar context.

Reflecting on how necessary the training is to the pastors, Ferguson said, “I think the role of a lead pastor with a multi-pastor staff is just different than if you are solo pastor leading a congregation or district and they can create textures of the job that don’t get discussed much.”

He added, “to have comradery, to be able to talk about what you’re dealing with, to be able to reflect well with people who are walking down similar kinds of roads, it’s a unique opportunity to deal with the issues that you face that are different than when you go to a normal set of pastor’s meetings.”

The training also gave pastors the opportunity to fellowship and share best practices with each other.

“There are certain things [with a multi-pastor staff] that you have to address and deal with that are unique. It gives the opportunity for that kind of support and help to know that you’re not alone. Um, and to grow in areas that aren’t often addressed, said Ferguson.

For Jamey Houghton, Franktown Adventist Church lead pastor, learning from Ferguson, a veteran pastor, was especially worthwhile.

“I would say probably learning from guys who’ve been doing it longer than I have been. Dave’s been doing this quite a bit longer than all of us. Learning from his experience is very valuable.”

Mickey Mallory, RMC ministerial director, hopes pastors are able to understand “that their greatest contribution comes from adding value to their team members.”

Mallory says that future small-group pastor training will be held among pastors that have multi churches and pastors who are the only pastor at one church.  He added that he hopes pastors will be able to address issues that can’t be addressed in larger settings.

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photos by Jon Roberts

25 May


By Jon Roberts –Cañon City, Colorado … 2022 camp meetings began in typical Colorado fashion–with a foot of snow falling on opening night at the Southeast Colorado camp meeting.

The second annual Southeast Colorado camp meeting saw significant developmental growth from the previous year featuring an increase in attendees and informational booths, fellowship, new friendships made, and old ones rekindled.

As opening night drew close and the forecast calling for snow, many began asking whether the meetings would continue.  John Davidson, pastor of the Canon City district, had a simple answer, “The meetings are going on as scheduled regardless of the winter weather. We have food for all. Please attend if you are able.”

As everyone entered the Cañon City church on Friday night, only a cold drizzle was falling, leaving doubts about the weather forecast, which called for snow, but those doubts quickly faded as guests were greeted by heavy snow upon leaving the meeting. It continued throughout the night, building to a foot by morning.  However, the meetings continued and by the time worship service was ready to begin, the church was packed with attendees.

The theme for the gathering was The Power of Love and featured guest presenters Dwight Nelson, senior past at Pioneer Memorial Church, and Clifford Goldstein, editor of the Sabbath School quarterly and author.

Reflecting on what he hoped the audience would take away from camp meeting, Nelson said, “One sentence, ‘the Maker of all things loves and wants me.’ If we can embrace that sentence as a summation of all the revealed truth in the universe, how easy it becomes to share our faith. What I hope people leave this camp meeting with is the Maker of all things loves and wants me. Not just as a sentence but embracing it as the truth of the Living One.”

The event also featured musical guest Scott Michael Bennett, the affiliated musician for It Is Written. Each program was hosted by different regional churches offering their uniqueness to the praise and worship section of the program and involving local members on the platform.

Jade Teal, associate pastor at Colorado Springs Central Adventist Church, organized the youth meetings for the camp meeting. A unique feature of the gathering for some was that they could begin working on a Pathfinder honor. “I really enjoyed spending time with our juniors. They were a great bunch of kids this year. We learned about the faithfulness of God–that was our theme. We talked about the story of Ruth and about faithfulness being a fruit of the Spirit. Then we finished up with the Pathfinder duct tape honor, illustrating the stickiness of duct tape to help us stick faithfully to God and the story of Daniel who was faithful to God.”

Goldstein presented at three meetings, each with a different perspective. He taught the Sabbath School lesson, which explored Genesis as a precursor to salvation. At the next meeting, he was able to explore faith and science and how, when it comes to origins, believers don’t have to bow to science. At his final presentation, he shared his conversion story. “It’s amazing how God reached out and tailor-made what I needed to bring me to faith. The idea is that the same God who did this for me is going to do this for anybody else as well who is a seeker.”

Attendees left the meetings with three simple strategies for reaching the community. Shared by Nelson, these strategies include befriend or be a friend to strangers, take the initiative, and share your Friend (Jesus). After the meetings, Davidson invited the crowd to gather around Nelson and pray for him and his wife as they left the camp meeting and asked God to give them blessings in their work.

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photos by Jon Roberts

19 May


By Jon Roberts – Sheridan, Wyoming … The small Sheridan Adventist Church in northern Wyoming recently raised $1300 to purchase and send radios through Adventist World Radio to spread the love of Jesus to individuals in remote villages

The Adventist World Radio program gives the local church the opportunity to reach beyond their community with God Pod Solar Radios. According to the world church website, God Pod Radios are “A small device roughly the size of an iPod that can store up to 160 hours of audio content used to bring the gospel to remote people groups.”

Sheridan church board member Darlene Westbrook recalls how the small church heard about the program and got involved. “Several months ago, Jack and Wanda Webb from Cody, Wyoming, presented a program on the God Pod Solar Radios.  We were all excited to hear that we could help spread God’s message to these remote villages in their own languages.”

She added, “They [the people in remote villages] could hear sermons, have the Bible read to them and hear Christian music and so much more.  A few months later, it was presented to the church board that we should do a fundraiser for our outreach program with donations coming from our church members for one month.”

The goal was to purchase as many radios as possible.  However, they knew this would be a problem with the radios costing $40 each and with a membership that is older than most churches.

“We are a small church with about 20 devoted members out of a membership of 52.  We are an aging church with one 32-year-old, four members in their late 50s, and the rest are 70 to 94 on a fixed income,” said Westbrook.

The members, wishing to see the gospel spread, donated what they could, and the church board voted to match donations through their evangelism fund.

Westbrook commented, “A sign was made to keep us up on the progress.  We collected $615 and with the church match, equaled $1300.  It is so exciting to watch God at work with our pocketbooks.  Many of our members were sad when the month was up and would have liked to have it go on a little longer.”

The members’ prayer is that God will bless many with hearing His word and readying them for His Kingdom. They are excited to share God’s word with these remote areas where no radio signals are available.

Westbrook adds that the small church has a new fundraising project for May–Ukraine. “We are two weeks in, and $459 has been collected so far. We have two more weeks to go, and the church board has voted to match the money donated with funds from our evangelism funds.”

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photo by Darlene Westbrook

09 May


By Jon Roberts – Denver, Colorado … Many changes have happened in the last 25 years; but one thing that hasn’t changed for RMC education is Pat Chapman, administrative assistant for education.

At the end of April, Chapman announced she was retiring at the end of the school year in order to spend more time with her family. She has seen many changes in RMC, working under three education directors and four RMC presidents and seeing technological advances that weren’t even being thought of when she began her work in RMC.

For Chapman, the current technology has been the biggest change. “When I started here,” Chapman explains, “probably two or three times a week, I would send out a hundred envelopes of information. Now I do it with one click of the computer.”

Her greatest joy and what she will miss the most is the opportunity to work with the teachers. “They have allowed me not to just work for them, but they’ve just involved me in their families and their work.”

For the teachers, Chapman is more than just an administrative assistant. She is a voice of encouragement and hope. “We teachers could not do half of what we do if it weren’t for Pat’s endless support.  Pat ‘gets us’ and provides such outstanding support to us that we are left super-charged to press forward with a fresh amount of enthusiasm. Thank you, Pat, for being used by the Holy Spirit to educate His children for eternity.  We will miss you dearly,” said Jodie Aakko, headteacher at Brighton Adventist Academy.

Jami Dove, second through fourth-grade teacher at Intermountain Adventist Academy, echoed Aakko’s sentiments. “I remember back to my first teaching job straight out of college. Pat was the first person to greet me when I entered the conference office to complete the new hire paperwork. Her smile put me at ease. She showed me how to use the laminator in the workroom, and she gave me a welcome package of goodies. Upon returning to teach in RMC some 15 years later, it felt like coming home to be welcomed once again by Pat’s warm smile.”

Chapman is well known for going the extra mile to assist teachers and letting them know they are appreciated.

Reflecting on Chapman’s ministry, Ed Barnett, former RMC president, commented, “Nothing made Pat happier than to spoil and love the teachers all over this conference. She would go out of her way to find nice things to do for the teachers, especially when they would have their retreat just before the school year began each year.”

According to Diane Harris, RMC education director, “Pat has been more than just administrative office support; she has been a friend, confidant, and cheerleader for the teachers in RMC. Her love for Jesus and her heart for ministry is evident in every conversation, and she will be missed.”

Lonnie Hetterle, former RMC education director, reflected on the impact Chapman has had on his life and the lives of so many teachers. “When I first met Pat Chapman nearly 30 years ago, I had no idea of the impact she would have on not only my life. but the lives of countless teachers, administrators, parents, students, and so many others. There are many adjectives that come to mind that I associate with Pat, but probably the one that stands out is ‘caring.’”

He added, “Over the years that I have worked with Pat, I have been impressed with her endless desire to be of service and to make a positive difference in the lives of those she comes into contact with. She has displayed in her life the ‘hands and feet of Jesus.’ Through her many talents, she has touched many families and individuals, given them hope and encouragement, and pointed them to Jesus.”

Chapman’s other passion is cooking and eagerness to host countless office and executive committee lunches and retirement parties.
Don Reeder, Campion Academy principal recalls meeting Chapman for the first time by partaking in a meal she had made. “My first connection with Pat was when I asked ‘Who prepared this fantastic meal.’ She was so good at feeding others. Then I got to know who she was and how she cared so deeply for the teachers and staff of RMC. She worked tirelessly to make sure programs were well planned and executed. I was struck by the flair she would always bring to any occasion. Things like, nice packaging, thoughtful snacks, and colorful decorations. I am proud to have served with Pat in RMC. I will miss her.”
Hetterle commented, “The Rocky Mountain Conference will never be quite the same without ‘ketchup loaf, chicken salad sandwiches, and that wonderful soup that inspires people to fellowship and helps them to feel that they are in a safe place. As Pat retires, we all wish her the very best and want to give her the biggest thank-you ever for her years of life-impacting service and total dedication.

Dove said one of her memories was Chapman randomly showing up on the Western Slope to serve hot lunch to the entire school. “She just has a way of making people feel comfortable.”

Barnett said, “I have worked in six conferences, and I don’t recall a conference that put more TLC into their teachers than the Rocky Mountain Conference. Pat, you will be sorely missed!  But I want to congratulate you on your retirement and [hope you] have fun with your kids and grandchildren.”

Chapman wants to be remembered as a servant leader. “There is a quote by Maya Angelou,” she explains that reads, “‘People will not remember what you said or what you did, but they’ll remember how you made them feel.’ And I hope that when people remember me, they remember me for taking care of them, for being interested in them. I feel like I’m a servant leader, and I want people to know that I cared for them.”

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photo by Jon Roberts

07 Apr


By Jon Roberts – Denver, Colorado … Students at Mile High Academy middle school ditched the books and the classroom April 1 for a chance to give back to the community by committing to a day of service.

Three groups departed MHA campus that Friday morning, each with a mission project to complete. The projects included helping to organize offices and storage areas at Denver South Adventist Church, accomplishing much-needed painting of the baseboard at Denver South Hispanic Adventist Church, and helping pack dental kits for families in need at the Special Olympics headquarters.

Reflecting on the importance of serving the community, Andrew Carpenter, MHA principal said, “Service days are important at MHA because they are a time in which we can put our faith into practice. Service is part of our CHERISH core values and giving our students opportunities to serve is essential to helping our students develop holistically.”

Denver South was happy to have MHA students assisting them. “Mile High Academy came to Denver South with 14 of their middle schoolers. They were an amazing help organizing, stacking, throwing out, cleaning, and more. We almost ran out of things for them to do because they work so fast and so well. We are so happy to be part of a school that also helps the churches that support it. And we are always happy to have more young people in our churches,” said Mikey Archibeque, Denver South associate pastor.

Students enjoyed the opportunity to serve others.

Connor, a seventh-grader reflected on the event, “We went to Denver Hispanic Church and painted baseboards.  I enjoyed the day and enjoyed getting out of the classroom.”

Caleb, an eighth-grader said, “It was fun.  We went to the Special Olympics and we were packing dental kits for them.”

Carpenter added, “I hope students learned the joy of service.”

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication / media assistant; photos courtesy of Mile High Academy’s Facebook page


22 Mar


By Jon Roberts – We are blessed to be living in America; however, that blessing can also be our curse and downfall.

It took coming halfway around the world to a predominantly Muslim country for me to discover what true community is. I entered the trip with the normal anticipation every American has to see the famous sights of Egypt –the pyramids and the mummies, etc.

My curiosity rose when I saw a trip to the land of Goshen on the schedule. Goshen is where the Israelites settled and multiplied into the hundreds of thousands after escaping certain death in Canaan during the famine.  When our tour guide mentioned that tourists rarely have the opportunity to go to the land of Goshen in Lower Egypt, it just added to my curiosity (Lower Egypt is to the north, and Upper Egypt is to the south because the Nile River runs South to North).

As we departed the very modern city of Cairo and started our journey to the North, the hustle and bustle of western civilization quickly faded and military and police vehicles joined the tour bus in caravan style.  We were truly getting a VIP experience.  After pulling off the interstate highway, the road immediately narrowed and turned into a mixture of gravel and pavement.  The first village came into sight, and I was shocked to see a culture where nothing goes to waste, families take care of each other, and neighbor watches out for neighbor.  While they had satellite dishes and cell phones, somehow, they still maintained the culture of a tight-knit community installed many centuries ago.

The tour guide mentioned that the shops are all family-run businesses, and the food comes from the surrounding farms.  He also said that the shops have no set time to open since the family doesn’t rely on schedules to dictate their days.

In the stores, I saw multiple generations working together with the older teaching and training the younger generations while also communicating with people in the next store down to ensure everything is okay with that family.  I also experienced a new phenomenon that Americans miss–nothing goes to waste.  Old cars were salvaged for parts to keep newer ones running. Building materials removed from a remodeled home were available for those who needed them.  Some could say it was dirty, but underneath what Americans saw as trash, was what the village saw as their future.

Driving along, we saw unfinished homes on the top floors of buildings. Those upper floors will eventually become the homes of the children since families stay together. The normal Egyptian family values togetherness, which is why I haven’t seen one retirement center or nursing homes in Egypt. They value and respect their elders. The elders also know that their future lies in the children and youth. This is perhaps why they spend time training and mentoring the youth and allowing them to run the family business.  Many times, in the shops, it was the teenagers watching over the family livelihood.

I reflected on how we’ve allowed ourselves to become too busy and preoccupied with schedules and daily routines that we forget what true community is.  Have we, as a church, forgotten that Egyptian family values are the same family values Jesus exemplified for us in His life.  Instead of searching for a retirement center or nursing home for our parents, what if we invite them to become part of the family– brother taking care of brother, neighbor helping neighbor.

Have our lives become so occupied with a schedule that we have forgotten to slow down and get to know our neighbors. It’s okay to take time for yourself and your family. It’s okay to get to know your neighbors, to check up on them and make sure they are okay. Spend time outside of our daily Sabbath routine with our extended church family. Train and mentor our youth and “trust” them with running the “shop”.

It’s time, as Americans, that we claim the promise in Matthew 11:28 “Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication / media assistant; photos supplied

14 Mar


By Jon Roberts – Littleton, Colorado … “Littleton Church, I would like to introduce your new senior pastor, Chris Morris,” Mic Thurber, RMC president, announced to the Littleton congregation.  In response, the members applauded Morris, welcoming him to his new position.

The pastoral search committee narrowed their search for a lead pastor down to one individual who has been serving the church as associate pastor since July of 2020.

Brodie Philpott, head elder, and pastoral search committee lead, explained the process to the Littleton Church members in the church newsletter. “The search committee voted unanimously to recommend Pastor Chris to the church board as senior pastor. The board then met the next day and confirmed the church’s support for Pastor Chris with another unanimous vote. Meeting with the board, Mic Thurber informed its members that RMC had pre-approved the hiring of Pastor Chris and that, as of the vote, his hiring was official!”

The search committee included members of all ages, including Noah, a junior in high school.  He said Morris was the right person for the job because, “He is kind, he listens, he loves the community of all ages, and he works hard to do everything possible to make people feel welcome.”

Thurber began the installation service by reading from Psalm 105. He then pointed out that Morris has already done many things the verse indicates. Addressing Morris, Thurber said, “You’ve been named to be senior pastor here, and that’s a fantastic, wonderful thing, but that doesn’t mean you’ve arrived.  You will need the Lord every single day of your ministry life here.  What I am grateful for and have already seen in you is that’s your pattern anyway, so keep that up and God will continue to bless you in powerful and mighty ways with your church family.”

Morris said, “The love I have for the Littleton church family is indescribable.  I’m so grateful for the opportunity to minister alongside such a loving group of people.  We have a work to continue for God’s kingdom.  Let’s continue to glorify Christ and His word, live in loving community, and fulfill our calling as Christ’s disciples!”

The search committee’s work isn’t finished yet as they now switch to locating the associate pastor God has already called to work beside Morris and lead the Littleton church family.

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photos by Jon Roberts

Pictured left to right – Mic Thurber, RMC President; Chris Morris, Littleton Church senior pastor; Brodie Phillpott, Littleton Church head elder

03 Feb


By Jon Roberts – Colorado Springs, Colorado … Pastors, chaplains from local Centura/AdventHealth hospitals, and conference office employees gathered for the annual winter minister’s meetings in Colorado Springs on January 31.

The event, typically held in February, is a highlight for the pastors who can fellowship with their colleagues from around RMC and provides an opportunity to take home some practical learning and apply it in their home churches.

“Since we couldn’t meet face to face last winter due to the pandemic, it was great being able to meet together again. While thankful for virtual meetings, it is especially sweet when we can see each other face to face,” said Mickey Mallory, RMC ministerial director.

Reflecting on the meetings, John Davidson, lead pastor at the Canon City Adventist Church, said, “I really appreciate being able to get together with the other pastors from around the conference for fellowship. The pastors often don’t have that fellowship in their local church, and to be here and able to fellowship with other pastor–what a blessing that is.”

Steve Nelson, lead pastor in the Cody, Wyoming district, echoed Davidson’s sentiments. “I enjoyed reconnecting with fellow pastors and encouraging others in ministry.”

The gathering began with a devotion by Craig Carr, newly appointed Mid-America Union Conference ministerial director and former RMC ministerial director. Carr remarked that it was good to be back among friends and colleagues and explained how Jesus seeks us and wants to help us by healing and comforting us.

The morning continued with a powerful message of hope and restoration provided by Richie Halversen, Southern Union Conference church growth and revitalization director. Halverson shared his story of redemption and restoration from opioid addiction and how Jesus and his family never gave up hope on him. He appealed to the pastors to never give up hope on anyone.

Halversen continued the morning by giving practical advice on how to reconnect to the community. He explained that we need to make the first move by being involved in the community and meeting people where they are.  He went on to say that churches need to meet the needs of the area and provide a safe space for individuals to share and be accepted for who they are. Finally, he explained that churches need to give people the Gospel.

His presentations encouraged the gathering appeared to enjoy them thoroughly.

“I was blown away [by] how Richie shared solution after solution resolving all the many questions I’ve had over the years of how to reach our communities for Christ during our new inministry meeting on Sunday. And I would say that this sentiment was shared by many of us in that room,” remarked Shayne Vincent, lead pastor, Casper Church district, on the new in-ministry meeting on Sunday before the wider pastor meeting on Monday.

Davidson, reacting to Monday’s presentations, said, “Richie has a heart for evangelism and evangelism is what keeps our churches young. If we are involved in evangelism, the members who have been there for a long period of time can mentor someone who is new.”

Halversen remarked that he enjoyed spending the day with the pastors and hoped the presentations help build community.

“I hope the pastors feel encouraged, empowered, and equipped to share the good news of the Gospel in their local context,” said Halversen.

After lunch, the meetings reconvened with Mic Thurber, RMC president, addressing the crowd.  He remarked that this was an important meeting for him as he was able to see the pastors face-to-face and introduce himself to them. The gathering concluded with department leaders presenting and sharing information with the pastors and answering their questions.

Reflecting on the day, Mallory said, “With Pikes Peak appearing beautifully in the west, our pastors learned how to reach peak performance when it comes to helping people find spiritual rest in Christ. With Jesus leading, there is no mountain (obstacle/addiction) so big that cannot be overcome.”

Nelson was thankful for the meetings. “I am taking from these meetings the importance of doing what is working in your church.  Successful ministry is recognizing where God is at work and joining Him. I’m thankful for our wonderful leadership and God’s blessings that never cease in RMC.”

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photos by Jon Roberts

19 Jan


By Jon Roberts – Broomfield, Colorado … Responding to the wildfires that devastated Superior and Louisville, Colorado on December 30, Adventist Community Services (ACS) opened a warehouse in the old Nordstorm store in the Flatiron Crossing Mall in Broomfield, Colorado. Here, families can receive not only material goods but also mental health counseling and apply for assistance in the rebuilding process.

The State of Colorado reached out to Cathy Kissner, RMC ACS director, asking ACS to lead the state relief program and the warehouse. In one short week, Kissner and her crew of ACS volunteers from various churches around the Rocky Mountain Conference were able to oversee the setup and opening of the distribution center to the public.

On Monday, January 17, Deanne Criswell, FEMA administrator, and other federal officials toured the warehouse and met with Kissner and volunteers to thank them for their service.  Kissner stated that Criswell was very impressed with the operation and how quickly it launched.

Since opening, the center has been serving 150 individuals per day on average. Those needing assistance can browse clothing, pet supplies, hygiene products, food, toys, and other household items. Either FEMA or the Red Cross has vetted all families.

Individuals who need someone to talk to or to help them through any mental health issues that arise after loss are also available, explains Kissner. “We have licensed and credentialed mental health volunteers available through our partner Spark the Change. Eventually, we will have a private area where people can schedule visits with counselors. I am working with Mickey Mallory to schedule pastors who can spend time in the warehouse to be available for any spiritual counseling needs.”

Kissner explains that the warehouse is getting a few volunteers from the churches but is daily in need of volunteers. “Pathfinder and youth groups are welcome. Please contact me at cathyk@rmcsda.org to schedule volunteer options.”  For volunteers over 18, please sign up and schedule volunteer hours on the Colorado Responds website https://volunteer.coloradoresponds.org/opportunity/a0C2S00003H3Sc1UAF.

She adds that volunteers will sort clothing, toys, and other donations. Some volunteers may be on the floor where families are browsing, but most will be on the second floor of the distribution center, away from the families.

Assisting the community is essential for June Spaulding, member of the Fort Collins Adventist Church.  She has been volunteering and assisting in the warehouse. “People are so emotional and thankful when we help them get and replace items that are destroyed.”

Larry Brandt, member of the Mountain View Adventist Church, views volunteering at the center as a mission. “I have a heart for missions, and this is [one].  When you give of yourself, it is better to give than to receive. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus.”

The response for donations has been overwhelming; however, some items not in general donation requests are in great need. “We are in need of pallets to store the unsorted and sorted donations,” Kissner commented.

Kissner explains that money is also needed. “Cash donations are ideal because there is equipment that we need to buy. An example would be if we are short on mouthwash, we can purchase ten bottles of mouthwash till we receive some donations of mouthwash.” She adds that the rent and power for the building are being supplied by the state, and donations are never used to pay any salaries. The quickest and most secure way to give is by using the Adventist Giving website, Kissner adds. On the website, choose Rocky Mountain Conference Church and select the line item: ACS DR. Also, you can mail donations to the RMC Treasury Department or place donations in the offering at your local church. Please make sure to mark all donations ACS DR.

The ACS warehouse is open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. seven days a week for the next few months. Find out more ways to help at https://www.rmcsda.org/marshall-fire-relief-and-support/

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photos by Jon Roberts

Cathy Kissner holding a sifter box for individuals to sift through the ashes to find valuables.
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