Jose Alarcon – Aurora, Colorado … The Apostle Paul counseled the Ephesian Church with these words: Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints … (Ephesians 6: 18). Following this biblical instruction, the Aurora-First Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted a Prayer Drive-thru event on Sabbath afternoon, July 22. This is their second such event of this year.
This event took place under sunny blue skies and church members were ready to receive the much-anticipated crowd. For two hours, cars came into the church’s parking lot and stopped at the various tent-prayer stations. They were prayed for and given a bag with water, snacks, and Glow Tracts. The church also provided food at another station.
More than 25 cars came in to be served at the prayer stations while other people and passers-by stopped for prayer and food as well. The occasion was a true blessing not only for the community at large but also for the church community as a special bond was evident among the church volunteers.
As cars drove by the cardholders announcing the event, many honked and waved at them. For church members like Celestino Archuleta, it was a wonderful opportunity to let the community know how much the Aurora-First Church cares for them. He said, “I want the community to see Christ within our church. That is our goal. People need to see Christ in us.”
Organized by the Aurora-First Church’s Prayer Department, the event proved to be a successful training tool for church members as they were able to directly interact with non-church members and with the process modeled by Jesus himself as He came to serve others. It was gratifying to see the enthusiasm among church volunteers as seen in their involvement and engagement.
“My experience during our Prayer Drive-thru is a testament of how God works through the Holy Spirit to reach His children, regardless of where they are or who they are,” remarked Boima Sonii, Aurora-First Church’s head elder, about the special moment he experienced as a mother and daughter drove-in and stopped in front of his prayer-station. The two ladies, crying profoundly, asked for a specific prayer: peace of mind. “Indeed, genuine peace is received only from God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
The two-hour event gave church members a panoramic view into the different aspects of Evangelism the Aurora-First Church is engaged in. As Pastor Jose Alarcon explained, their evangelistic plan consists of four phases:
- Sending the troops: where prayer is the main aspect
- Sending the artillery: where small group ministry is the main aspect
- The Three P’s: where Preparation, Proclamation, and Preservation are applied
- Expanding the Kingdom of God (EKG): where the church takes the opportunity to expand its ministry in its territory
All phases are an integral part of their evangelism effort for this and the next few years.
—Jose Alarcon is the lead pastor at the Aurora-First Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photos by Dina Alarcon and Jose Alarcon.