Brent Learned – Greeley, Colorado … More than 1,000 pathfinders traveled to Greeley, Colorado, to participate in the North American Division (NAD) level Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) event, April 19-20. The event proceeded in four languages—English, Spanish, French, and Ukrainian—as all 150 pathfinder teams were from the United States, Canada, and Ukraine as well as a couple of other international teams joining remotely via Zoom.

Over 40 Pathfinder and Adventurer leaders and teens from the Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC) volunteered to setup chairs and tables, direct and park vehicle traffic, create and place all event signage, run the first aid station, and start the testing portion of the event with color guard and drum corp.

Yamiley Gonzalez, who is a Pathfinder teen leader in training, commented, “It was an exhilarating experience watching so many pathfinders from the NAD conferences coming together at PBE in Greeley. I believe the Pathfinders realized that they were there not only to compete, but to learn more about Jesus and to make lifetime memories.”

“It amazed me that these young people had so much passion and excitement to learn more about the Bible every day,” she continued. “As I was looking into the crowd of Pathfinders and Seventh-day Adventist leaders all wearing the same uniform, I saw the Pathfinders looking up to the adults in the room and seeing themselves doing the same thing when they are older. The Pathfinders felt seen by the people there. Everything on PBE day was [there] for the kids.”

The weekend started the evening of April 19 with a lively worship followed by RMC youth director Brandon Westgate who spoke on the anointing of Samuel and David as young Pathfinder-age kids and continuing to walk out the Holy Spirit’s calling for the rest of their lives. Westgate ended the evening with an alter call inviting everyone to the front who had not yet received the Holy Spirit and would like to. He then prayed over all those who came to the front that they would receive the Holy Spirit and walk in truth the rest of their lives.

RMC volunteers started Sabbath morning, April 20, early at 7:00 a.m. by parking cars and providing security at the Island Grove Event Center in Greeley where the PBE event was being held. The parking lot was covered in three inches of fresh snow.

Cyndi Tapia, Pathfinder club director of the Greeley Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Church Pathfinder club in Greeley, remarked, “Being a part of the NAD PBE was an interesting experience! I had the opportunity to meet people from all over the North American Division. Being a volunteer was a lot of work, especially at lunch time, but it was an insightful experience as to how a great team can help an event of this size run smoothly. Congratulations to all the pathfinder teams who made it to the final!”

The PBE testing program began with the RMC Ghana Golden Eagles drum corps and Loveland Cougars color guard Pathfinder clubs putting on a great performance, proudly displaying their abilities.

Each team answered 90 questions from the Bible books of Joshua and Judges. Following a break for lunch, nearly 3,000 Pathfinders, Pathfinder leaders, and family gathered for an afternoon church worship service while the scores were tabulated. Afterwards, the teams marched across the stage one by one receiving either a first, second, or third place award based on how many questions they answered correctly during testing.

RMC’s Loveland Cougars Pathfinder team proudly scored a first-place award! Stacey Rodriguez, a Loveland Cougar Pathfinder team member, commented, “It was such a great experience for Loveland Cougars to be able to be a part of PBE this year. We learned so much through the books of Joshua and Judges. Our team was honored to represent our Conference and be the color guard.”

Mic Thurber, RMC president and one of the PBE judges, said, “It was a marvelous thing to see a whole sea of beautiful young faces at the Pathfinder Bible Experience who were there ready to be tested on their knowledge of the books of Joshua and Judges! Their energy, lively spirits, and passion for God’s Word was a true inspiration to behold. In addition to the hundreds present, there were teams from the United Kingdom and Cuba participating by zoom. I hope this experience of investing so deeply in the word will make a lifelong difference in the lives of our young people.”

RMC club ministries director Brent Learned, remarked, “Thank you to all those within our Conference who value our young people and have dedicated countless hours to mentoring the next generation of our church’s spiritual leaders through Pathfinder and Adventurer ministry.”

—Brent Learned is the RMC assistant youth director and Mills Spring Ranch manager. Photos supplied.