Samantha Nelson – Cody Wyoming … In the summer of 2022, Pastor Steve and Samantha Nelson took two Pathfinder Teen Leadership Training (TLT) students on the trip of a lifetime—touring Adventist Heritage sites, attending the CALLED Convention, and much more. While that was all exciting and educational, there was something else meaningful that developed in the process—the Pondering Pathfinder Podcast!

Cedar Jeffers, a Pathfinder, initially out of boredom on the 17-day-long drive began reporting the “news” about driving conditions, traffic, etc. She then “interviewed” her brother Dean with the souvenir baseball bat she’d received at the Louisville Slugger Museum in Kentucky as her microphone. Dean, being the gracious big brother that he is, obliged and answered her questions.

As the miles passed day after day, with support and guidance from the Nelsons, the Pondering Pathfinder Podcast was born with Cedar Jeffers as your host. Being naturally timid, it took some convincing to get Cedar to come up with questions and keep practicing her opening and closing remarks, but it finally became more comfortable for her.

It’s been nearly a year since that humble beginning that has now become a reality. Cedar says, “I have always wanted to try podcasting; it always looked so fun to do.” Pastor Steve set Cedar up with the recording equipment she needed, and she had her first practice run on the equipment with a fellow Pathfinder, Katarina Black, as a guest on February 11. The Pondering Pathfinder Podcast will host guests—other young people and teens—who will share their responses to the important life questions Cedar will be asking. “I am looking forward to interviewing anyone who is willing,” she said.

The hope is that these podcasts will encourage other young people to speak out about what difficulties they face, what’s important to them, and will help listeners find answers for their questions about life events that impact them. As Katarina comments, “I like getting to be heard and it’s just a cool program to participate in.” We hope this will be a way to reach other youth in our local schools and community evangelistically and to help them come to know Jesus as the Solution to all their needs and trials.

Cedar is looking for sponsors to help promote this podcast on Facebook and the local Christian radio station. Those who are interested in sponsoring can contact Samantha Nelson at [email protected].    

Samantha Nelson is from Cody Seventh-day Adventist Church in Wyoming. Photos by Samantha Nelson.