Samantha Nelson – Cody, Wyoming … Do your pizza parties have a purpose? The Cody Cowboys Pathfinder Club held a pizza and card-making party with a purpose on Saturday night, February 11. Hardy Tyson, club director, created and baked homemade pizzas that everyone thoroughly relished, and the fellowship enjoyed by club youth, parents, and church members who attended was truly priceless.

Anita Holdren, assistant club director, organized the card-making activities during which club youth made several Valentine’s Day cards for patients at the local hospice center and to share with church and community members. Club member Eric Holdren, Jr. said, “I had a fun time making Valentine’s Day cards for church members and hospice patients. I hope we make more cards for other occasions in the future and can reach out to more people in the community.”

While the kids were having fun making their creations, some adults played games. The laughter and joy displayed throughout the evening among both youth and adults was contagious and abundant. “It was fun, and it was helpful to others because they will get a Valentine’s Day card. It helped me because, after a very stressful week, I got to relax, be with fun people, and have a good time,” said our newest club member, Kailyn Jones.

This pizza party with the higher purpose of bringing love and joy to those in need was a remarkably successful event!

—Samantha Nelson is from Cody Seventh-day Adventist Church in Wyoming. Photos by Samantha Nelson.