RMCNews – Glacier View Ranch, Ward, Colorado … “I certainly had great expectations and excitement for the 2023 Ministerial Retreat,” commented Anton Kapusi, pastor from Pueblo First Adventist Church. “Our Ministerial director and the Administration consistently deliver what is necessary to the pastors and ministry leaders in the conference territory,” he added.

Though participating ministers struggled with severe weather conditions in Colorado and Wyoming, the pastoral group of some 60 came to the retreat to be “blessed and inspired by the speakers God lined up for us. They led us in deep study and personal reflection that can impact the way we lead our congregations,” remarked Godfrey Miranda, who recently became the senior pastor at Littleton Adventist Church.He added that there’s something special about being part of this RMC ministerial team “but that sense of team can be lost sight of as we serve in our individual settings. The retreat allowed for meaningful reconnection and strengthening each other to keep pressing on in our ministry,” Miranda shared.

This year’s ministerial retreat, January 29-February 1, gave pastors, their spouses, and several hospital chaplains the opportunity to learn how to grow through loss, said Mickey Mallory, RMC ministerial director and organizer of the retreat.

The meeting’s theme was “Growing Through Loss.” Mallory explained that one of the hardest things pastors have to deal with is loss, whether it be personal or professional. Invited to address the issues of grief were Steve and Karen Nicola from Grief Education Resources in Auburn, California.

“I was wondering what to expect. Grief counseling is not a subject I would have expected at a ministerial retreat. However, the choice was well in order. The personal touch, the deep presentations, and the professional biblical and psychological approach to grief were well appreciated,” said Kapusi.

Presentations on the book of Galatians by Dr. Carl Cosaert, Dean of the School of Theology and professor of Biblical Studies at Walla Walla University, Walla Walla, Washington, “were really refreshing. They helped us to appreciate even more the Good News of the faithfulness of Jesus when it comes to the plan of salvation,” commented Mallory.

For Pastor Kapusi, the meetings with Dr. Cosaert were the most unadulterated biblical presentations on the Gospel. His exegetical, linguistic, and theological insight into the book of Galatians was, at times, devolving. Indeed, his humility, paired with his willingness to share and converse directly with all willing pastors, individuals, or pastors in a group setting, was an additional level of comfort provided to all of us.”

Cosaert commended the RMC organizers for including the chaplains in a pastoral retreat. Several chaplains joined the group and found time for fellowship, good humor, and lots of laughter, according to Johnnathan Ward, Director of Mission Integration for Avista Adventist Hospital. Referring to all presentations, “the retreat was excellent!” he said.

Commenting on the retreat, Micheal Goetz, senior pastor at Campion Adventist Church, said, “pastoral ministry is a spiritual, emotional, and mental commitment to be the faithful under-shepherds of Jesus. So, it seemed very fitting to invest and be challenged in growth in all three of these areas. The study of theology in the book of Galatians and practical study in grieving and dealing with loss brought a meaningful and holistic time of continued education and personal growth.”

—RMCNews. Photos by Rajmund Dabrowski.

Participants of the Pastoral Retreat.
Mickey Mallory, RMC ministerial director (left) and Mic Thurber, RMC president (right) pictured with Dr. Carl Cosaert.