When I conduct a seminar in a local church, I ask a question that nearly always draws a blank stare from the room: What is Rocky Mountain Advance?

This is not a problem specific to our territory. I saw the same slightly embarrassed, confused look on faces when asking the same question prior to coming here. In fact, I have sat through offering appeals in dozens of churches in several Conferences listening to the person making the appeal confess that they had no clue what the Advance offering is all about.

That’s amazing to me. Once a month, twelve times a year, the offering is taken for Rocky Mountain Advance. Each time there is a prepared appeal available for that offering that either gives an overview of the fund or focuses on a specific ministry that benefits from the fund. With so many reminders I would expect that the average person would have at least a cursory understanding of which ministries are supported by the Rocky Mountain Advance. But even the fairly well-informed church members who attend my seminars are, more often than not, blissfully ignorant of how the dollars they cheerfully give are being spent. I’m not even sure that everyone on RMC Executive Committee really gets it (if you are a committee member and would like to adjust my opinion, I would be happily proven wrong).

I probably would not care so much about this general lack of awareness if not for the fact the support for fund is trending downward. So, some ministries that we all care about are being shortchanged as the fund shrinks.

Rocky Mountain Advance keeps La Vida Mission going. It contributes to operating funds for Glacier View Ranch and Mill Springs Ranch. It supports Campion Academy. It contributes to building purchases and improvements for local churches. It provides funds for public evangelism. If one of these ministries has not played a significant role in your own Christian experience, you are among a very small, secluded minority within the Conference.

We are grateful for every dollar that comes in to support these vital ministries, including those that come from people who don’t know what is going on with the dollar they just gave. I believe understanding is directly connected to giving levels, and we need support for all these ministries. May I encourage everyone to pay attention when the offering call is for Rocky Mountain Advance and remember those ministries when you are making your monthly contributions.

Even when I don’t directly engage in the ministries supported by Rocky Mountain Advance, I believe my experience here is enriched because families are able to benefit from these ministries. Furthermore, I do receive direct blessings from some of those ministries. I am blessed because new people learn truths that bring them into our churches. I am privileged to worship in buildings that are representative of our Lord.

I am joyful that I have the opportunity to support all these things through a monthly offering, and I believe that when anyone learns how much good is done though the Rocky Mountain Advance, they will experience the same when they donate.

Douglas L. Inglish, RMC Director for Planned Giving and Trust Services; photo by Becca Brown