By Jon Roberts – Denver, Colorado … After a multitude of events were cancelled over the last year due to the pandemic, signs of hope are emerging as summer events are being planned and discussed.
Some of the events missed last year were RMC camp meetings. This year, the hope is that they will be back in person and plans are moving forward toward that possibility. It may look and feel a little different from previous camp meetings.
The first camp meeting on the calendar is the NE Colorado camp meeting scheduled for June 4 – 5 at Campion Academy. The featured speaker is Pavel Goia, editor of Ministry Magazine.
Cowboy camp meeting comes next on July 7 – 11 in the Uncompaghre National Forest near Silver Jack Reservoir. Nathan James, pastor of Moab, Utah church, along with Dick Duerksen, will speak and music will be provided by Folk Mountain Gospel.
Immediately following Cowboy camp meeting, attention shifts northward to Wyoming for the Wyoming camp meeting scheduled July 14 – 18 at Mills Spring Ranch. Tom Lemon, general vice-president of the General Conference, is the featured speaker.
After Wyoming, Western Slope camp meeting will conclude the 2021 camp meetings. Planned for August 4 – 8 at Mountaintop Retreat camp grounds located in Montrose, it will feature Joe Kidder, professor of Pastoral Theology and Discipleship at the Theological Seminary at Andrews University.
The RMC Administrative team is praying as they look forward to the camp meeting season, and hoping for normality as we emerge from the stranglehold COVID has had on the region.
Continue to read NewsNuggets for more information on camp meetings as it comes available. All in-person events will follow the strictest COVID precautions and may need to be rescheduled if COVID guidelines curtail in-person gatherings.
–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photos by Rajmund Dabrowski