Eric Aakko – Brighton, Colorado … A unique series of Bible character monologues were presented at the Brighton church, April 8.
The sanctuary was nearly at full capacity with guests and members attending the Easter program. Eight members recited monologues representing different Bible characters who were present with Jesus either before or after His crucifixion. The program was conceived and directed by Letha Hoos, Heather Blaire, Kathy Baker, and Michelle Morrison.
“We wanted to do a special production that was both inspirational and showed Christ’s love,” said Letha Hoos. “We were delighted to find scripts that were already written and would fit within the worship time period.”
The Bible characters ranged from “the rich young ruler” to Lazarus’s sister, Martha, to Mathew, the former tax collector and disciple of Jesus. The program also featured narration to create context for each scene and special music before, during, and after the monologues.
—Eric Aakko is the lifestyle medicine program director at Brighton Adventist Church. Photos supplied.