27 Apr


Sue Nelson – Tampa, Florida … The North American Division (NAD) Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) was held at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa, Florida, on April 22. Each year, teams of six club members study a book of the Bible (alternating Old Testament and New Testament) to compete in the PBE, memorizing large portions of God’s word.

This year’s event had 155 teams registered! Teams were from all over the United States and included a few international teams from Northern and Southern England Conferences, Korea, Canada, and the Dominican Republic. The questions and answers were in English and Spanish and translated into French and Korean.

The weekend started with Friday night vespers at the Mt. Calvary Adventist Church in Tampa, Florida. The message was brought by Pastor Shea Crockett, youth director for the Southeastern Conference. The testing on Sabbath was led by Tracy Wood, NAD youth ministries director, Armando Miranda and Vandeon Griffin, NAD youth ministries associate directors, and Gene Clapp, NAD PBE coordinator.

Two Rocky Mountain Conference teams, Aurora Las Aguilas and Loveland Cougars both placed 1st at the Mid-America Union Final PBE in Lincoln, Nebraska, allowing them to continue to the NAD level. Both teams placed 2nd at the NAD PBE with 90 questions from the book of John and the Andrews Bible Commentary.

It was exciting for the two teams to fly to Florida. For some, it was their first plane ride and first time out of Colorado! They were able to visit different attractions like Disney World and go to the beach.

Sue Nelson, RMC club ministries executive coordinator, Brent Learned, RMC associate youth director, and Eli Gonzalez, RMC club ministries associate executive coordinator, were able to attend and help as monitors.

“It was inspiring to see an arena full of hundreds of Pathfinders so excited about Bible memorization of the Gospel of John,” said Brent.

Addressing the participants, Eli said, “What an impact you make in all of us by being part of this awesome ministry of pathfinders and making it to the NAD Pathfinder Bible Experience—now it is your time to make a difference in your church and community.”

“We genuinely want the best for you. Do you know how awesome you are? Well, let me say it: you are AWESOME! You are wonderful, you are beautiful, and you are God’s,” he added.

Videos from the event can be found on YouTube by entering “Pathfinder NAD PBE” in the search bar. Next year’s NAD PBE Finals will be held April 19-20, 2024, with the location to be announced at a later day.

—Sue Nelson is the RMC club ministries executive coordinator. Photos by Sue Nelson, Stacey Rodriquez, and Eli Gonzales.

The 2023 Pathfinder Bible Experience Arena in Tampa, Florida
The two RMC Pathfinders teams with Sue Nelson, Brent Learned, and Eli Gonzalez
The Aurora Las Aguilas Pathfinders team
Friday night vespers at Mt. Calvary Adventist Church
27 Apr


Dennis Magaña – Montrose, Colorado … “Confiar en Dios” (Trust in God) was the theme for a spirit and fun-filled youth rally for the Hispanic young people in RMC, April 7-9. Hosted by the Montrose Spanish Adventist Church and run by FEJA [Hispanic Youth Ministry] Montaña and Metro chapters, more than 120 young people came together from all over the conference and Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Each day of the event was filled with powerful messages. Friday night, speaker Dennis Magaña challenged the youth to live like the Apostle Paul in how he challenged Timothy to live (1 Timothy 4:12), and to set an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

On Saturday, main speaker JJ Martinez, associate pastor of the Grand Junction Adventist Church, challenged the participants to live like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, reminding them of the powerful God that we serve who will enter the fire with us and deliver us. Next day, Leonardo Jimenez, Montrose Spanish Adventist Church pastor, reminded the young people of the guiding light that the Bible is and should be. He challenged them to study it daily.

The participants did get a chance to connect socially. Saturday afternoon was filled with fun activities, including a scavenger hunt and many ice breakers so that the youth could get to know each other better. There was a huge bonfire on Saturday night as well as “sociales,” put on by the Grand Junction Adventist Company, who many of the youth described as being, “extremely fun.”

There was a volleyball tournament put on by FEJA Metro chapter on Sunday. Three games where being played at the same time, utilizing both the gym and outdoor fields. In the end, Denver South Hispanic Adventist Church was crowned the winner of the tournament.

In all, God blessed the weekend and many of the youth expressed their desire for another Youth rally to happen soon. When asked, many stated it was hard to choose their favorite part of the weekend whether it was the speakers, food, or time spent getting to know one another.

Pastor Ruben Rivera, RMC Hispanic ministries coordinator, thanked the Montrose Spanish Adventist Church for hosting the youth gathering for the weekend in their recently donated facilities.

It was a privilege to be part of such a fun weekend, Rivera concluded.

—Dennis Magaña is Montrose Hispanic Adventist Church head elder. Photos supplied.

26 Apr


RMCNews – Loveland, Colorado … What started as a simple seed of inspiration has grown into a multi-episode podcast titled Word Genetics exploring the foundations of everyday conversations and interactions of today’s Adventist youth. Campion Academy senior Tiffany Mogaka, founder and host of the podcast, brings in her teen peers to cover “the fun, the serious, and everything-in-between” topics affecting youth in an open-forum style podcast.

“When we met with Jill Harlow, Campion Academy communication director, a few weeks ago, she wondered if RMC communication would be interested in showcasing the creativity and engagement of her students in media. After receiving Word Genetics, we were truly impressed by how grown up the conversation was. Likely, you will enjoy these episodes and more are to come,” said Rajmund Dabrowski, RMC communication director.

Get a peek into the thoughts and concerns of Adventist youth and their early walk with God in this ongoing podcast series. They have a lot to say, so we will let them do the talking. Listen today by clicking on the episode titles below.

Podcast Introduction

Episode 1: A Cheap Click at What Cost

Episode 2: Imposter Syndrome, Beauty Standards, and Insecurities

—RMCNews. Graphic supplied.

25 Apr


Brandon Westgate – Denver, Colorado … The youngest members of our church are currently making plans for the summer. For many of them, the choice to spend a week (or two) at summer camp is a high priority. You might wonder why spending a week in a rustic cabin in the mountains disconnected from internet, social media, and cell phones would be so appealing. The answer is that when our campers disconnect from those things, they make new connections, “camp connections,” if you will. So, what are some of these camp connections?

CAMPERS: Our campers make connections with their fellow campers. They laugh together, eat together, play together, worship together, sing together, and are just present together. Without the distractions of a screen, campers spend actual face time with each other. They discover that many of their peers are struggling with some of the same issues they are. They find that they can have honest conversations about faith, doubt, social issues, and a variety of other topics. They build friendships and feel a sense of commonality that they may never experience at home or church or school.

COUNSELORS: Our campers connect with their counselors. The entire staff at camp is a counselor by title or by proxy and is dedicated to the safety and spiritual growth of our campers. They are trained and committed to pouring the love of Christ into our campers. They accomplish this by listening, being present in the moment, offering counsel when needed, setting an example, and creating an atmosphere of acceptance. When young people feel heard and appreciated, they feel safe, and these safe spaces lead to candid conversation and connections between counselor and camper. Our counselors then point our campers to Christ in hopes that the counselor-camper connection becomes a counselor-camper-Christ connection.

CHRIST: So how does that happen? Well, worship isn’t an event at camp, it is a part of the culture. We endeavor to keep our minds upon Jesus resulting in impromptu conversations about faith, sporadic outbursts of praise through singing, and random formation of prayer groups. Our purpose at camp is to make it easy for our campers to know God. The presence of God becomes palpable as we engage in high energy worship and pray for the Lord to invade our hearts as our pastor shares a message of grace. Our campers and our staff make a connection with Christ that can result in paradigm-shifting transformation or a deepening of a faith that just needed a boost!

COMMUNITY: Throughout the summer, as our staff and campers spend time building relationships, we unwittingly create a community of safety. It is a community that values them and welcomes them to be the person Christ is calling them to be. The camp community is a safe space to inquire, to give an opinion, to share a present life challenge that is threatening to overwhelm, and to receive encouragement and assurance that God is ultimately “for” us, and not against us. This community is only possible because of the connections that are made between campers, counselors, and Christ.

The result of the camp experience is campers feeling connected to something bigger than themselves and to an indwelling God who loves them with an everlasting love. Connection is something every person innately yearns for, and connection is the thing that we strive to facilitate during summer camp and beyond.

—Brandon Westgate is the RMC youth department director. Photos supplied.

Summer camp registration is open! Click here or scan the QR code below to reserve your spot today.

25 Apr


By Micheal Goetz


From the high side of the parking lot that the church sits on, I get to look across and watch the fun. Many an afternoon one would be able to see the World Cup or Super Bowl unfolding out in the grass. That’s not all, over on the playground great feats of daring and exploration or a full throttle game of tag are taking place. It’s a busy place. But in the hurry and scurry of the recess periods come beautiful moments that lodge themselves in your heart.


The time a young girl, realizing that if she stayed on the swing another student wouldn’t get a turn, leaps off inviting the other to take her spot before running off in search of another thrill. Or at that same swing set, an older girl took her precious free time to push a younger student.


The time that the “it” in the game of tag took a break because the “pursued” requested a timeout to catch their breath.


The time the boys encouraged a younger and slower student to join in the game of football just because no one should be left out.


Certainly, there is still times homework isn’t done or patience gives way. We are talking about little humans, right!? But it’s in these times, these unassuming acts, that I have seen Jesus on our school playground. And in a world that is broken in every way possible, our playground speaks to me of a reality of hope.


—Micheal Goetz is the senior pastor at Campion Adventist Church. Reprinted from HMS Headlines e-newsletter. Photos by Kari Lange and Aubrey Nelson.

25 Apr


Liz Kirkland – Littleton, Colorado … There are people that “work behind the scenes” at every church to handle its functions and operations. Most of their efforts and numerous hours are unknown and unnoticed. One such group are the deacons and deaconesses, called to a ministry of service and following Jesus’ example of meeting people’s physical needs and then their spiritual ones.

While traditional roles have generally included greeting and ushering, church property maintenance, security, baptism, and communion assistance, and caring for the physical necessities of the congregation, many churches have expanded the role to use their spiritual gifts. It can become a ministry tending to the emotional and social needs of the church.

Deacons and deaconesses have joined pastors and elders visiting church members and those in need and are a place of support in the cycle of life and death. And, with the demands on today’s pastors’ time and energy, they have become a support team for those who have given so much to tend to God’s children. And this legacy of service and support is being passed onto the next generation of church leaders.

At Littleton Seventh-day Adventist Church, junior deacons and deaconesses have been called into action in the ministry of service. At each Sabbath service, the junior team works along side the adult team. Wandee Kirkland, head deacon at Littleton Church, recalls watching his father act as deacon in the Potomac Conference as a youth in the church. His father’s example set the path for his leadership role as he became an adult and a father.

He shared this about his time as a deacon: “Anyone can be a deacon. It is just about service and doing God’s work. It is, however, more than just a title, collecting offerings, and setting up events. It’s meeting the needs of the congregation and church staff. The pastoral staff are the shepherds, and we are the sheep dogs. My two sons, Turi and Didrik, are junior deacons at the church, and I am proud to watch them heed the call of service.”

The Kirklands are not the only ones sharing the family legacy of service. Deacon duties for Sabbath service on April 22 were held by Kris Fritz and his son Owen and Gary Treft and his son Spencer.

Kris Fritz shared this when asked what his time as deacon has meant to him: “It has created a community of men in the church that may have never connected otherwise.” He has involved his son to get him active in the church and learn responsibility.

Gary Treft, when asked the same question, said, “My gifts are not to be upfront but to help out as I can.”

The impact of the duty is not just felt by the adults. Littleton Church junior deacon Turi Kirkland said, “There are always things going on in the church that need help from junior deacons. I feel proud to help and not just be a spectator.” Turi shares the junior deacon role with is younger brother Didrik who said, “What I like most is that I am doing something to help that God would like rather than me just running around with my friends.”

Junior deacon Owen Fritz said, “I like to be there and help. It’s fun to count the money.” When asked what his favorite part of deacon duty was, Spencer Treft said, “My favorite part is cleaning up.”

We are reminded in 1 Corinthians 12:12 that “For even as the body is one yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ.” We give gratitude to those who have heeded the call, both young and older, to be this part of the body of Christ working toward the common goal of the church of making disciples of Jesus Christ.

—Liz Kirkland is the RMC communication assistant and a member of Littleton Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photos by Liz Kirkland.

Spencer Treft (far left) and Owen Fritz (far right) demonstrating their greeting skills with head deacon Wandee Kirkland.
20 Apr


Angie LeGrand with Ron Price – Farmington, New Mexico … The idea for the Days of Noah DVD series came to Angie LeGrand after she had viewed the series a year ago. She is a leader of the Tuesday 12:30 Women’s Bible Study at Piñon Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church in Farmington, New Mexico. This Bible study group consists of nearly ten women, meeting weekly for the last seven years.

She explained, “I had expressed to the women of having frequent urges that we should be doing more to share the gospel of Jesus to our community. It was during this conversation that we discovered that all of us had been feeling the same urge but had not acted upon it.

We decided that, through prayer and seeking God’s direction, we would look at different prophetic studies that would fit the needs and questions of our church family and community. A couple of us had seen the Days of Noah series and felt that it was a perfect fit for where God was leading us. It had science, scripture, biblical, and world history all combined into a format that all could understand.”

The group sought out a member of our church, retired Pastor Rick Roy, to teach and answer questions. An adult program was established that would include a children’s program as well. “It was our intention to seek donors to fund the project. We put together a proposal and presented it to our church Board for approval,” Angie explained. Mark Phillips, the church pastor, and the church board approved the project, and, from there, the Noah program was off and running.

“God was with us every step of the way and there was a tremendous amount of prayer as well. The biggest worry we had was time restraints that prohibited us from advertising, but, as women of prayer, we forged ahead with a thought. ‘Yes, we would love to have a packed house, but our mission is to reach that one person that would come that God was urging, that one lost sheep,’ ” Angie continued.

As Pastor Rick Roy commented, “Using the Days of Noah videos, we are doing an evangelistic outreach that has brought us five members from the community, and five former Adventist church members. These videos supply a lot of information. The questions that come during follow-up sessions have to do with issues that were not found in the videos but are general questions that attendees had about the Bible concerning other issues. We are excited to see what the total outcome will be when we have completed all four videos.”

The videos are being presented every Wednesday in the month of April with one of the four DVDs played weekly. Angie LeGrand said that nearly 70 attendees came on the first night two of which were children. The meetings averaged 65 attendees and the children’s program has grown to eight children. “We are thrilled with this attendance and as a church, excited that we are getting the Good News out within our community. This has been a blessing for all that have been involved. As a group we are now looking over ideas to advance our Women’s Ministry to the community. It is our desire to serve our Lord in sharing the gospel in these dark uncertain days,” she said.

—Angie LeGrand with Ron Price, ministry leaders at Piñon Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church in Farmington, New Mexico. Photo supplied.

19 Apr


Anton Kapusi – Pueblo, Colorado … Local congregational leaders and the leaders-to-be, along with some Southeast Colorado regional pastors, participated in the Regenerate – Church Revitalization Conference, April 14-15.

Dr. Brad Cauley, Northern New England Conference executive secretary and director for church revitalization, spoke during the opening session to those present in person and on ZOOM about the need revitalize our church life.

About 60% of Adventist churches are either in stagnation or in decline, according to the latest North American Division (NAD) statistics. His research proved that pastors and local leaders with a “turn-around” temperament and mindset, led by the Holy Spirit, could bring the necessary direction change to local churches.

On Sabbath morning, Cauley spoke about steps a local church could take to be vibrant and growing. The personal and corporate prayer life of an Adventist Christian, the mission and evangelism focus of the congregation, and the local pastor’s empowering role were some of the points he conveyed.

During the afternoon sessions, he further emphasized the need for leaders making leaders and disciples making disciples as the core value of church growth and multiplication. He called this proliferation “Hero Making,” using the simple five-step multiplication model (see: Dave Ferguson with Warren Bird, Hero Maker: Five Essential Practices for Leaders to Multiply Leaders, 2018, Zondervan):

  1. I do. You watch. We talk.
  2. I do. You help. We talk.
  3. You do. I help. We talk.
  4. You do. I watch. We talk.
  5. You do. Someone else watches.

The conference participants left encouraged to turn things around in their churches. They were inspired to grow as local leaders who can make a difference in their congregations, as one participant said: “This seminar was to the point, simple, and motivational. I can’t wait to make a difference in my church.”

—Anton Kapusi is lead pastor of First Pueblo Adventist Church. Photos supplied.

19 Apr


Jana Thurber – Denver, Colorado … The Lord says: Don’t let the wise boast in their wisdom, or the rich boast in their riches. But those who wish to boast should boast in this alone: That they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord who demonstrates unfailing love and brings justice and righteousness on earth, and that I delight in these things (Jeremiah 9:23-24).

After receiving a sobering medical diagnosis almost two decades ago, I vividly recall feelings of immense human inadequacy knowing my need at that moment was very great. Urgency required that I turn to the unfailing love, power, and presence of God in my life. So, while relying on the initial advice from medical professionals, I also instinctively knew I must find a promise from God’s word to daily claim to get me through the inevitable journey before me.

Jeremiah 17:14 came to mind: O Lord, if you heal me, I will be truly healed; if you save me, I will be truly saved. My praises are for you alone!

Every morning would find me persistently claiming this promise in prayer along with praises to God for being the supreme and sovereign God of power and authority, who alone deserves praise and glory.

However, as the months went by, the negative responses in my body grew due to cumulative treatments, surgeries, wounds, and drugs I was allergic to. This admittedly took a toll on both my physical and emotional health.

About six months into treatment, I headed to my study late one morning determined to write a devotional for our students at the college week of prayer. But in my weakened condition, I was not able to do this.

So, I cried out to God and said, “God, I really need to hear some words of comfort and strength from you this morning. I am not able to get my work done at this point.”

Opening my Bible, my eyes immediately saw another text in Jeremiah 30:17, I will give you back your health and heal your wounds.

I am not proud of the response that suddenly burst forth from my mouth at that moment. “Well Lord, that’s a wonderful text! But was the daily text I have been claiming all along not good enough?”

Here’s how I know that the Great I Am, the only God of Immeasurable Power, is not phased when we ask Him hard questions. I discovered that His delight in us does not diminish one iota whether we’re on a mountaintop or in a dark valley. It’s true. I did not receive immediate healing that day. Nor did my symptoms disappear. I had to be in the fiery furnace a little longer. The difference was that I knew without a shadow of a doubt, He was standing beside me! (Joshua 1:9).

How do I know? Because that very afternoon, God proved to me that Jeremiah 30:17 was His answer to my question. I had posed daily in claiming Jeremiah 17:14! Within the hour, the postman came to my door and delivered one small package that would have easily fit in my mailbox by the road. With a smile on his face, the mail carrier handed me a tiny package and said, “This is for you!”

I thanked him, while wondering why he had never ever delivered a small package to our front door in the many years we had lived in that house. Quickly opening the package, I discovered a beautifully designed and laminated handmade Bible bookmark with colorful flowers surrounding a text that read, I will give you back your health and heal your wounds. This clearly was not a simple coincidence! God answered my plea with His word and confirmed it by the kindness of a friend who sent me the lovely bookmark before I even prayed this powerful Scripture-prayer.

Today, the God of the universe bends down from His high and holy place to search out those willing to surrender their will to their Creator, willing to personally know Him through prayer and His words. Willing to know that His love for us is immeasurable.

He says in Zephaniah 3:17, I take great delight in you. I rejoice over you with singing. We cannot trust Him too much. He is the Almighty Worker, full of divine life and power.

Christ Jesus says, I am the Vine, I will receive you. I will draw you to Myself, I will bless you. I will strengthen you. I will fill you with My Spirit. I, the Vine, have taken you to be My branches; I have given Myself utterly to you children. Give yourselves utterly to Me. I have surrendered Myself as God absolutely to you; I became Man and died for you that I might be entirely yours. Come and surrender yourselves entirely to be Mine.

And in the fitting words of Andrew Murray, “What shall our answer be? Oh, let it be a prayer from the depths of our heart, that the living Christ may take each one of us and link us close to himself. Let our prayer be that He, the living Vine, shall so link each of us to Himself that we shall go on our way with our hearts singing: He is my Vine, and I am His branch; I want nothing more—now I have the everlasting Vine.

Then when you get alone with Him, worship and adore Him, praise and trust Him, love Him and wait for His love. Thou art my Vine, and I am Thy branch. It is enough. My soul is satisfied. Glory to His blessed name!”

—Jana Thurber is the RMC women’s ministries and prayer ministries director as well as pastoral spouse support. Photo by Unsplash.

18 Apr


Adelaide Eno – Highlands Ranch, Colorado … La Vida Mission School is dusty. This was the first thing I noticed when I saw it for the first time. I knew we would be in the desert when I heard it was in New Mexico, but I didn’t expect it to be that sandy. For a place called “the life,” La Vida was pretty devoid of it.

A couple of shabby buildings and a small playground with creaky swings stood at the top of a steep road as we approached the Mission. One of the buildings was larger than the others—the gym/cafeteria/auditorium. No matter how much sweeping you did in that building, there was a permanent layer of dirt on the floor that refused to be relocated.

La Vida provided us with housing set up like dorms. The bunk bed I slept in had been around for a long time and was covered in countless scribbles. The marks seemed more numerous than the stars. That week, they were my own “starry night.”

I did not feel any attachment to La Vida. I was just hoping I would be able to get the dust out from between my toes after the ordeal. On the second day, something changed. My teachers suggested my friend, Daniela, and I help the special needs teacher who had three kids that day.

If I am being perfectly honest, I’m not a fan of kids. They’re cute. However, I don’t know what to do with them. This day, I pounced on the opportunity. Indoor classroom! Lack of invasive dust! AIR CONDITIONING!!! Story time with some kids was a small price to pay.

Daniela and I met the teacher and her kids at the entrance of the building. The teacher was very careful to make sure the door was always locked. I figured it was a school policy. We went to the classroom, and it was cluttered with all kinds of things to keep the kids busy while teaching them at the same time. During the day, Daniela and I quickly realized that the teacher was dedicated to her job. She loved the kids and did everything she could with what she had.

Most of her teaching equipment was castoffs; I had seen many of the items in the deepest corners of Mile High Academy’s storage, unused for years. She taught her students how to write their letters and vocabulary words on a chalkboard. Her letters had an infinite number of squiggles and shakes in them as she was older. Her hands were worn with the work of generations. She could easily have been old enough to retire ten years ago but, still, she taught.

Because of the nature of her classroom, her students moved at very different paces. All of them were behind. One was a third grader while another was still working up to first grade. They worked hard. Daniela and I, honestly, didn’t do much. We helped with some of the lessons, but we were practically students with them again. When we did have story time, only Daniela and I were the ones learning, not the kids.

La Vida is on a Navajo reservation, so alongside English, the kids were learning some Navajo in mostly song. We expressed interest in the language, and, in return, the teacher led us around the small school building to speak to the other teachers. They taught us the National Anthem and gave us the lyrics of songs like Jesus Loves You in Navajo, and the students even sung for us. All the teachers showed their love for the kids, and Daniela and I weren’t to be left out.

Though we had only known the kids for a little while, we were charmed by them. They had wonderful manners and were sweet as honey to us. They showered us with the enthusiasm that only children have. Their innocence and joy touched our hearts, and we were practically ready to stay at the Mission forever. Their smiles were like the sun.

Then came our story time. While our teacher read, we doodled. I’m a little artistic and one of the kids noticed. He watched me draw with wide eyes and scootched a bit closer to me. “It’s so pretty,” he said quietly. Then he took my paper from me and started to draw too. He traced his tiny, chubby hand and made it into a hand turkey. He made a couple of stick figures and accompanied it with his scratchy signature. I had to squint to tell what it said: “I love you.”

Well, shoot, I already loved him too.

How is it that kids can break through every barrier we ever put up? Love is supposedly a special word that we only give to a few people. It’s a treasure that’s held close to our hearts. But when the kid told me he loved me, I believed him. I believed him because of the way concentrated on making his letters perfect. I believed him because of how he laughed when we played tag on the playground and how proud he was when he caught me. I believed him because kids don’t need to save love for certain people. That’s their gift. They haven’t learned not to love everyone.

And, in my opinion, they shouldn’t.

If he had learned not to love, I wouldn’t have understood why La Vida was named just that. Life. It wasn’t about having new buildings or the quality of their stuff. It wasn’t about enrollment. It wasn’t about the location. It was about the kids. The kids gave La Vida life. The kids were La Vida.

I’m going back to La Vida. I hope I get to see the kids again, and I want to see the teachers. Together, they taught me.

Not to mention, now that it’s in hindsight, I don’t really mind the dust. Weird how that works.

* La Vida Mission, located near Farmington, New Mexico, is an independent ministry not affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Conference.

—Adelaide Eno is a sophomore student at Mile High Academy. Photo supplied.

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