Anton Kapusi – Pueblo, Colorado … Local congregational leaders and the leaders-to-be, along with some Southeast Colorado regional pastors, participated in the Regenerate – Church Revitalization Conference, April 14-15.

Dr. Brad Cauley, Northern New England Conference executive secretary and director for church revitalization, spoke during the opening session to those present in person and on ZOOM about the need revitalize our church life.

About 60% of Adventist churches are either in stagnation or in decline, according to the latest North American Division (NAD) statistics. His research proved that pastors and local leaders with a “turn-around” temperament and mindset, led by the Holy Spirit, could bring the necessary direction change to local churches.

On Sabbath morning, Cauley spoke about steps a local church could take to be vibrant and growing. The personal and corporate prayer life of an Adventist Christian, the mission and evangelism focus of the congregation, and the local pastor’s empowering role were some of the points he conveyed.

During the afternoon sessions, he further emphasized the need for leaders making leaders and disciples making disciples as the core value of church growth and multiplication. He called this proliferation “Hero Making,” using the simple five-step multiplication model (see: Dave Ferguson with Warren Bird, Hero Maker: Five Essential Practices for Leaders to Multiply Leaders, 2018, Zondervan):

  1. I do. You watch. We talk.
  2. I do. You help. We talk.
  3. You do. I help. We talk.
  4. You do. I watch. We talk.
  5. You do. Someone else watches.

The conference participants left encouraged to turn things around in their churches. They were inspired to grow as local leaders who can make a difference in their congregations, as one participant said: “This seminar was to the point, simple, and motivational. I can’t wait to make a difference in my church.”

—Anton Kapusi is lead pastor of First Pueblo Adventist Church. Photos supplied.