Angie LeGrand with Ron Price – Farmington, New Mexico … The idea for the Days of Noah DVD series came to Angie LeGrand after she had viewed the series a year ago. She is a leader of the Tuesday 12:30 Women’s Bible Study at Piñon Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church in Farmington, New Mexico. This Bible study group consists of nearly ten women, meeting weekly for the last seven years.

She explained, “I had expressed to the women of having frequent urges that we should be doing more to share the gospel of Jesus to our community. It was during this conversation that we discovered that all of us had been feeling the same urge but had not acted upon it.

We decided that, through prayer and seeking God’s direction, we would look at different prophetic studies that would fit the needs and questions of our church family and community. A couple of us had seen the Days of Noah series and felt that it was a perfect fit for where God was leading us. It had science, scripture, biblical, and world history all combined into a format that all could understand.”

The group sought out a member of our church, retired Pastor Rick Roy, to teach and answer questions. An adult program was established that would include a children’s program as well. “It was our intention to seek donors to fund the project. We put together a proposal and presented it to our church Board for approval,” Angie explained. Mark Phillips, the church pastor, and the church board approved the project, and, from there, the Noah program was off and running.

“God was with us every step of the way and there was a tremendous amount of prayer as well. The biggest worry we had was time restraints that prohibited us from advertising, but, as women of prayer, we forged ahead with a thought. ‘Yes, we would love to have a packed house, but our mission is to reach that one person that would come that God was urging, that one lost sheep,’ ” Angie continued.

As Pastor Rick Roy commented, “Using the Days of Noah videos, we are doing an evangelistic outreach that has brought us five members from the community, and five former Adventist church members. These videos supply a lot of information. The questions that come during follow-up sessions have to do with issues that were not found in the videos but are general questions that attendees had about the Bible concerning other issues. We are excited to see what the total outcome will be when we have completed all four videos.”

The videos are being presented every Wednesday in the month of April with one of the four DVDs played weekly. Angie LeGrand said that nearly 70 attendees came on the first night two of which were children. The meetings averaged 65 attendees and the children’s program has grown to eight children. “We are thrilled with this attendance and as a church, excited that we are getting the Good News out within our community. This has been a blessing for all that have been involved. As a group we are now looking over ideas to advance our Women’s Ministry to the community. It is our desire to serve our Lord in sharing the gospel in these dark uncertain days,” she said.

—Angie LeGrand with Ron Price, ministry leaders at Piñon Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church in Farmington, New Mexico. Photo supplied.