Sandy Hodgson – Denver, Colorado … “Change is the only constant in life.” What Heraclitus is quoted to have said in the 6th century is still true today. However, we serve a God that changes not (Malachi 3:6).

The Rocky Mountain Conference office of education is amid change at several schools throughout our region. There are openings for head teachers in Alamosa, Grand Junction, and Farmington. Campion Academy, HMS Richards, Mile High Academy, and Vista Ridge Academy are looking to hire new and/or replace teachers and staff that are transitioning out of the Conference.

Don Reeder, principal at Campion Academy shared, “So, yes, it is part of the spring life at a school replacing openings that come up. And, for many years, it would just be discouraging to me. It can be overwhelming at times. How am I going to replace this person? Lately, though, I’ve been watching how God has blessed us with bringing in the right people. And I’m trying to do better at viewing this time of year as more of, ‘Hey, what is God going to do’ moment and ‘who’s he bringing in to be a new part of our team?’, part of the Campion family. And so, from that aspect, it’s quite exciting.”

At the North American Division year-end meetings in October 2022, Adventist education was a focus topic on how to support through some of the challenges our division is experiencing. Many teachers are nearing retirement age, yet our colleges and universities currently graduate a low number of education majors, many less than 10. The current NAD job postings for K-12 positions in North America are more than 250.

The RMC office of education recently presented a strategic plan with RMC departmental leaders. The plan will strengthen the components of the mission of education in the Rocky Mountain Conference to 1) connect students to Jesus and prepare them for His soon return in the learning process; 2) connect students to the purpose God has for them through authentic learning experiences; 3) collaborate with churches, pastors, and RMC ministries to be an active center for evangelism; and 4) actively support the growth of RMC ministries and churches by utilizing the skills and competencies of the Rocky Mountain Conference office of education.

“I am grateful for the community and leadership that support each school. Each and every position is lifted up in prayer as we see seek God’s leading in our schools,” commented Diane Harris, RMC Superintendent of Education.

—Sandy Hodgson is the RMC education assistant director. Photo by Rajmund Dabrowski.