Jacqueline Davis – Montrose, Colorado … The Women’s Ministries of the Montrose Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted more than 150 community women for afternoon tea on Sunday, May 7.

This is the sixth year that the Montrose Women’s Ministries put on fancy hats, drank tea, and snacked on a lavish variety of delicacies fit for any proper tea provided by ladies from the church.

The idea came from Judy Kelley who wanted to do something special for her mother. She remembered her mother always loved hats and had a large collection. Judy recalled the story of her and her sister pulling out all the hats and having a special tea party for her mother prior to her passing. As the story goes, Judy, Ruth (Judy’s sister), and Jerilyn Pester started the small women’s ministry event in the fellowship hall of the church.

“We had to take a couple of years off because of Covid,” said Judy, “but [watching] how much it’s grown has been so special. [This year] we welcomed twice as many ladies as last year. They come from around the community, and we just really love to share our special moments with them. The participants seem to really enjoy it.”

The afternoon tea included speaker Jeanie Ryan, and violinist Michelle Cranson provided the musical part of the program.

“We do this for no charge because we want to make sure that anyone who wants to be a part of it can be,” said Kelly. “Church ministry isn’t just about coming to church. Sometimes it’s about reaching out to the people in your community and sharing a good cup of tea.”

—Jacqueline Davis is the communication director of the Montrose Adventist Church. Photos supplied.