Haley Beckermeyer – Loveland, Colorado … Nearly 50 Campion students shared testimonies, verses, skits, prayers, and songs during the school year’s last Week of Prayer, starting May 8. A different class planned and hosted the worship service after lunch each day. 


Students learned not only more about God, but more about the challenges their peers have gone through. “It was surprising to hear the stories of people that I don’t usually see or hear talk often. Each of their different stories showed how God can use everyone for His glory,” commented Jovana Maldonado, a Campion junior.


Julia Santiago, another Campion junior who shared her testimony, reflected, “I was a little nervous because this was my first time sharing my testimony, but it helped bring me closer to God. It felt good to share my story and how God showed me His love is better than anything else. Jesus showed me that I need to be like my dad: show the love of God even when things aren’t going the way we want.”


Campion sophomore Jasmine Smittick shared how she recognized God working in many ways in students’ lives. “In several of the testimonies, people started to push God away before they decided to come close to Him. It made me realize that even when we want nothing to do with God or don’t want to put effort into spending time with Him, He’s still there for us waiting to help us as soon as we let Him,” she explained. 


New for this academic year, Chaplain Carlos Santana created a student committee to plan all the aspects of Week of Prayer. Santana commented, “From the testimonies to the object lessons, poems, and skits, all the groups that went up for Week of Prayer did such a great job! I believe that the message continually shines through in each of these mediums. The student leaders and teams did a marvelous job getting these groups of their peers together to be successful.” 


In an unexpected ending after vespers to Week of Prayer, the lights were turned out and the students were told to immediately exit the building to a safe place. They were ushered to the bus barn in the back of campus where they were surprised to find an “Underground Church.” They spent the evening continuing to worship together in a unique setting. The Underground Church allowed students to live out the experience of persecuted Christians around the world. 


—Haley Beckermeyer, Campion Academy Student News Team. Photos supplied by Campion Academy newsletter.