By Agape Hammond – Parker, Colorado … The numbers are in for the third annual toy drive at Newday Adventist Church in Parker, Colorado. Church members packed and shipped worldwide 834 shoeboxes filled with supplies and toys.

Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes from Newday went to South Africa, Benín, Mexico, Ukraine, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haití, and many other countries.

Katrina White, a Newday member who has volunteered with Operation Christmas Child for more than 20 years and began the project at Newday, explains why this project is essential for those who receive the boxes.

“The shoeboxes may not change a child’s life, but it’s something tangible that shows someone cares about them, even from far away.”

Operation Christmas Child doesn’t begin with children receiving gifts. It starts by going into communities and teaching kids Bible classes. First, they get to hear about Jesus and start a twelve-week course called ‘The Greatest Journey.’ By the time children receive the shoeboxes, they know that Jesus loves them, and now they have proof that people are showing that love.

Mile High Academy partnered with Newday in February of 2021 to hold a toy drive that added items to each box. Each box contained school supplies, hygiene items, and age-appropriate toys.

Newday partnered with many organizations throughout 2021 to make the third annual Operation Christmas Child donation drive a success.

–Agape Hammond is director of social media and communications at Newday Adventist Church; photo supplied