In the Summer Issue:

We Have a Mission by Ed Barnett
Considering the One Project
Being Ready for Jesus by Dany Hernandez
Young Preachers by Jamey Houghton
Journal of a Campion Academy Student
Should You Eat Like a Caveman? by Rick Mautz
Church Planning and Pastoral Evaluations by Craig Carr
Mile High Academy is on the Move by Agape Hammond
Remembering Gerry Chapman by Barbara Parrott
Voice of Prophecy Dedicates New Headquarters by Michele Stotz
155 Years of Adventism in the Old West
Promoting Change Through Life-Saving Medical Missions by Greg Hodgson
Joint Local Church Cooperation for Easter Event
Conference Financial Health by George Crumley
A Bookstore With a Difference
General Conference Session: Hot Moments Expected
Purveyors of Christian Aroma by Rajmond Dabrowski


Editorial Team:

Editor: Rajmund Dabrowski
Design: Becky De Oliveira
Managing Editor: Carol Bolden
President: Ed Barnett
Executive Secretary: Eric Nelson
Treasurer: George Crumley