Eric Aakko – Brighton, Colorado … The first of six lifestyle medicine seminars hosted by the Brighton Adventist Church, March 25, attracted 55 participants. The inaugural seminar was welcomed by the Brighton Church after its annex was severely damaged in a fire nearly two years ago.   

“Our mission is to be a center of influence, a place where the community and families can find health, healing, and hope,” said senior pastor Wayne Morrison. 

The lifestyle medicine program follows an evidence-based curriculum developed by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine which contains 6 pillars: healthy eating, exercise, sleep, avoiding risky substances, stress reduction, and social connections. 

“What is unique about our approach is that, at every session, we will also have a professional plant-based cooking and tasting demonstration, recipes, resources, and expert guest speakers,” said Eric Aakko, lifestyle medicine program director. The March event featured cardiologist Dr. Chris Cannon who spoke about preventing and treating heart disease. The April 22 seminar will feature a cardiac exercise specialist, and the May 13 event will be presented by the director of sleep medicine from the Platte Valley Medical Center. 

Each of the 6 pillars of lifestyle medicine will be featured once per month with interactive activities between sessions to keep people engaged such as using text messaging. For free downloadable factsheets about the 6 pillars, including a schedule of the seminar series, visit 

—Eric Aakko is the lifestyle medicine program director at Brighton Adventist Church. Photos by Clara Aakko.