Jessie Prince – Denver, Colorado … Fourteen youth and young adults from Denver South Adventist Church Youth ministered to local community with three different outreach events on Sabbath, March 19. 

Three separate groups chose to minister to a greater number of community members in different venues. Some went to a local fire station to deliver donations of snacks and household goods. The firemen and women were very grateful and gave a tour of the fire station, letting us sit in the firetruck and model some of their gear and tools. 

Another group set up in the church parking lot to hand out light refreshments to first responders driving by. We had hot and cold drinks, doughnuts, and other snacks. Several signs lined the roadside, held by enthusiastic young people, advertising the “Free Coffee and Donuts 4 first Responders” and “free Hugs & Prayer.” 

Finally, a group walked from the church to the Denver University campus, toting signs for “free hugs” and “free prayer.” Although the students were on Spring Break for the week, there was a National High School Color Guard competition happening on campus, so the group still found multiple people who were overjoyed to have prayer and hugs.

On returning to the church, having walked four and a half miles, we closed out the Global Youth Day by beginning our Youth Week of Prayer, entitled “Love is a Verb.” 

“Every night for the following week, we gathered to hear six of our youth taking turns sharing messages to us, and we prayed for our church and our community. We hope that the people we ministered to were blessed and able to see God through our actions,” commented a participant.

—Jessie Prince is the administrative assistant at Denver South Adventist Church in Denver, Colorado. Photos Supplied by Nayeli Delgado.