Students humming, “Overcome Evil With Good,” on the playground was just one of the results of Week of Prayer at Springs Adventist Academy, the first week of October.

Matt Hasty, the literature evangelism director at Campion Academy, conducted a “Week of Praying.”  He taught the students new songs, had them actively involved in the worship service, and gave them an evangelism challenge each day, like sharing a tract with a neighbor.

Jessica Eubanks, K-1 teacher, said, “This week of prayer was very inspirational and interactive. I loved all of the activities and how they related to prayer and obeying and following God. I left inspired everyday.” Her son, 1st grader Trystan, commented, “My favorite part of chapel this week was all the challenges. They were a lot of fun!”

The middle schoolers had a special challenge on the last day, when Mr. Hasty took them out into the community to do literature evangelism in downtown Colorado Springs.

“It was fun to share the gospel in a way that I had never done before,” said Springs Adventist Academy 6th grader, Arthur Ortiz, after an afternoon of literature evangelism.

“Watching my students be excited to share the gospel in tangible ways was thrilling. This week reminded me that we have a school full of laborers for the Lord. They just need to be encouraged and empowered to do the work the Lord has prepared for them,” said Michelle Velbis, principal.

Springs Adventist Academy was very thankful for Hasty’s gifts of time, enthusiasm, and teaching and even the teachers were uplifted and inspired by his messages.

Michelle Velbis, text and photos