By Doug Inglish … “So, God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27, NIV)

I am sure we have all contemplated what it means to be made in the image of God. Mostly, I think we consider it in terms of having been formed to physically resemble the Creator, in that we walk upright, have opposable thumbs, etc. So far, so good, because there are indications in Scripture of our physical resemblance.

But it goes well beyond that. Compared to the rest of earthly creation, we have higher cognitive abilities, more complex speech, and so many other advantages that can only come from being made in the image of God. Even in our fallen condition, that image is unmistakable.

Have you ever considered that part of His image He passed on to us are those certain qualities that go beyond physical or mental characteristics? Things like mercy, forgiveness, or compassion. Yes, there are scattered examples of what at least appear to be some of these qualities within the animal kingdom, and I too enjoy stories of an elephant showing gratitude, an act of kindness, or a dog facing danger to protect its family.

But even if we admit that human-like (or even God-like) qualities can occasionally be displayed in animals, there is no doubt that God gave us the ability to possess and expand these qualities on a scale that is incomparable to any other created beings on earth. Truly, the psalmist was right when he declared,

“You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.” (Psalm 8:5, NIV)

I am certain that one of the ways in which we carry the image of God is in our capacity to be generous. Bees may indicate to the rest of the hive where flowers are located, and wolves bring food back to the den for their pups, but these are actions of instinct. We creationists understand this in terms of God granting to His creation a means of perpetuating their kind, but even evolutionists have an explanation that amounts to survival of the species. True generosity only exists within the human species, and there is no adequate explanation for this apart from God having made us in His image.

We bring glory to God when we develop the qualities of His character, He placed within us at our creation. Along with improving our exercise of mercy, forgiveness, kindness, grace, compassion, and so many other of these wonderful qualities, He has given us the privilege of experiencing generosity. It can be practiced in the home, on the playground, and at work. It comes in charitable acts of giving to our church and to causes that are worthy of our generosity. It can be of our time, of our abilities, or of our wealth. But whatever form we use to express our generosity, it is always a declaration that we are created in His image.

–Doug Inglish is RMC vice president for administration and stewardship director; photo by Nathan Dumlao/Unsplash.