Judy Kelley and Jerilyn Pester – Montrose, Colorado … The weekend of September 9 to 11, 2022 found 79 women at Mountain Top Retreat sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Conference. We had women from Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Utah.
Cindy Mercer was our Featured Speaker from Oklahoma. Our theme of “Bee Faithful” was her topic. She told us her story and how the Lord lead her through some very rough times by helping her to “Bee Faithful” to His plan.
New this year was a pre-retreat workshop given by Eileen Field. She demonstrated how to make a delicious Lasagna Soup and Mango Ice Cream.
Our Sabbath evening speaker was, Jana Thurber, our Women’s Ministries Leader for Rocky Mountain Conference. Her devotional titled, “From Fragrance to Faith,” highlighted Mary’s anointing Jesus’ feet with perfume from a heart overflowing with love and gratitude for what Jesus had done for her. Someone once said that worship is the act of sacrificially giving to Jesus something that is precious to us, what would that be for you? Your money? Your time? Your job? For the woman in this scripture, it was a container of perfume.
The meals that the ladies enjoyed were all served by volunteer gentlemen under the direction of Bob Springer. They met the needs of the vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free ladies.
As one attendee so profoundly put the weekend by saying, “Friday evening was the appetizer, Sabbath was the entrée, and Sunday morning was the dessert” of the spiritual feast.
A huge thank you to all the ladies that attended, everyone that helped, and all the prayers for a successful event from the planning committee.
— Judy Kelley and Jerilyn Pester are coordinators of Western Slope Women’s Ministries. Photos by MarLynn Green