Pedro Vieira – Loveland, Colorado … Campion Academy in Loveland, Colorado, held a Week of Worship (WOW), February 19-24, with guest speaker Wayne Morrison, lead pastor at the Brighton Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brighton, Colorado. Morrison shared about the unconditional love of Jesus and how He transforms us to be more like Him.


The main point of Morrison’s message was to help students understand the gift of eternal life, our identity as children of God, and our transformation in Christ. Morrison gave a clear message of how God is working in our lives and that He is love.


Davi Vieira, a new student at Campion Academy this semester, shared, “For my first Week of Worship at Campion, I really enjoyed taking some time away from classes and worshiping God with my friends this week. The way Morrison talked made me feel motivated and happy because we are not alone, and Jesus is working in our lives. I can’t wait to have another week like that.”


In addition to the speaker, the praise team introduced the theme song “Champion,” making the message more impactful to the students. 


Yngrid Silva, a Campion junior student, expressed, “I think the theme song for WOW was one of the best. It really impacted my thoughts about our salvation in Christ, and I really enjoyed listening to the praise team singing it on the stage. It made me feel good and inspired by the lyrics.”


Piano player for the praise team, Shawn Ferguson, shared, “Honestly, this week was one of the best we’ve had as far as music, in my opinion, and I really enjoyed the message. Overall, the experience was great, and I can’t wait for the next Week of Worship.”


—Pedro Vieira, Campion Student News Team. Photos supplied.