Carey Jordan – Loveland, Colorado … In the month of March, HMS Richards Adventist School in Loveland, Colorado, is diving into finding more plant-based options and fresh ideas to swap for animal proteins and processed foods.

The current movement towards more plant-based eating is nothing new (hello, Adam, Eve, and the Garden of Eden!). Thanks to recent documentaries like Forks over Knives and books like The China Study, the quest to find answers on what should be consumed is becoming clearer: eat more plants! Many have chosen to increase the plant load on their plate in a search to become healthier and free their bodies of the bondage of Western diseases.

As we see omnivores increasing their percentage of vegetarian options and more vegetarians becoming vegan, there is one thing standing in the gap: convenience. This has given rise to many pre-packaged foods loaded with sugars, unhealthy oils, and faux meat. But, hey it is “vegan” right?!

I can’t help but think about Daniel and how the king showered him with all the most expensive and decadent foods available. But Daniel refused. In Daniel 1:12-15, we read:

Daniel said to the guard, “Please give us this test for ten days: Don’t give us anything but vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then after ten days compare us with the other young men who eat the king’s food. See for yourself who looks healthier. Then you judge for yourself how you want to treat us, your servants.” So, the guard agreed to test them for ten days. After ten days they looked very healthy. They looked better than all of the young men who ate the king’s food.

Could you imagine if he asked for vegan food and was brought cakes, candy, fake burgers, or oil-laden crackers? Do you think he would have kept his strength up?!?

If you find yourself leaning heavily on processed foods for you and your family, do not despair! Do not overwhelm yourself, but instead commit to small changes at a time. It is March, and the season of making things anew is right around the corner! Spring brings a renewed hope as we remember the journey Jesus made for us to the cross and his resurrection from the dead. He did that for us. You can do this!

Here’s to fresh start with more plants this March!

—Carey Jordan is principal at HMS Richards Adventist School. Photo by Unsplash.