Jacque Davis – Montrose, Colorado … Baptisms are being planned for the evening of March 15 at the Montrose Adventist Church. On that evening, Evangelist Tim Rumsey from Pathway to Paradise Ministries*, will be completing his outreach series entitled Revelation Unfolding. “This 25-part series has been a huge blessing to our church and community,” comments the church’s Pastor Nathan Cranson. The presentations were also live streamed at Montrose Seventh-day Adventist Church on YouTube.

Attendance has averaged around 50 attendees in person and nearly 20 others joining remotely. “It’s an amazing the sense of community that is created when people come together to study the Bible five nights a week for a whole month,” Cranson commented. “It is a good sign when you have to start turning off the lights to get people to head home after every meeting. What sweet fellowship!”

In the words of Ellen G. White, “One soul won to Christ will flash heaven’s light all around him, penetrating the moral darkness, and saving other souls. Thus two, five, ten talents will accumulate and double. This is not an exaggeration. If Christ left the ninety and nine, that he might seek and save the one lost sheep, shall we be justified in doing less?” (Monthly Missionary Reading, May 9, 1908, par. 7)

The Montrose church is planning for three people to be baptized this coming Sabbath. “Having a Revelation series is always an act of faith. You spend so much time planning and praying and [spend] so much money advertising,” reflected Pastor Cranson. “You then wonder if anyone will show up, and, if they do, you wonder if anyone will continue attending the meetings. And then, as the series winds down, you see once again the power of God’s Word in action, and you are reminded why we do what we do. God is faithful!” he added.

*Pathway to Paradise Ministries is a supporting ministry not affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Conference and is a member of Adventist-layman’s Services & Industries (ASI).

—Jacque Davis is communication secretary of Montrose Adventist Church. Photo supplied.