Agape Hammond, Nayeli Delgado, and Gwen Loney – Highlands Ranch, Colorado … The Mile High Academy class of 2024 participated in the Senior Survival weekend, August 25-27. This event is regarded as a fun tradition where the school seniors take part in an adventure focused on connecting with each other and to converse about how they can make the current academic year the best one yet.

This year, a group of nine went to Lost Creek Trail near Bailey, Colorado, to brave the wilderness and bond with each other for three days. After school, the group drove an hour and a half to the trailhead. They backpacked four miles to the camp site through the drizzling rain and mist. After setting up camp, they spent time roasting marshmallows, making hot chocolate, and exchanging stories.

“It was fun to see our classmates learn how to survive together in the woods and to see us grow into our roles as a senior class,” remarked senior student Jonas.

On Saturday morning, they hiked six miles to a cave at the bottom of the valley. Luckily, the sun was shining and there was no rain while they made their way up the ridge and down several switchbacks. After stopping for lunch, they enjoyed exploring the area and the cave and splashing around in the creek. They closed out the Sabbath with a worship led by senior sponsor Agape Hammond.

“My favorite part of Senior Survival was Saturday night. We closed the Sabbath with a beautiful sunset and a fun worship by our senior sponsor. Afterwards, we discussed our aim, motto, and selected Bible verse. It was interesting to see how my class sees us working together in the future,” commented Nayeli, senior student.

Following the worship, the senior class discussed life after high school, talked about where they saw themselves in five years, and how they wanted to make this year great.

The weekend ended on Sunday morning as the group packed up camp and hiked back out. While many seniors were thankful and looking forward to real food, showers, or actual bathrooms, Gabe was just thankful that “he survived!”

Agape Hammond is the Upper School English teacher and Nayeli Delgado and Gwen Loney are senior students at Mile High Academy. Photos by Agape Hammond.