Eli Gonzalez – Aurora, Colorado … Rocky Mountain Ghanaian Seventh-day Adventist Church celebrated establishing their Pathfinder and Adventurer clubs, August 26. Participating in the celebration was Eli Gonzalez, RMC Club Ministries executive coordinator. He commented that it was, “a great blessing to witness establishing such an amazing Adventurer and Pathfinder ministry.”

Marching, singing, and praising together, all 20 Adventurers, 30 Pathfinders, and 6 Master Guides celebrated with a full congregation of visitors and church members. The event was a true witness to God with a special ceremony led by Elder Kofi Adjei Loveone, president of North America Ghanaian Seventh-day Adventist Churches, from Columbus, Ohio.

Eli handed out the baton to the club directors as a symbol not only to the marching band mayor but also as a reminder of the great responsibility we have in leading our children and being instruments in God’s hands.

Esteb Pierre, pastor of the Rocky Mountain Ghanaian Adventist Church, was the lead supporter of this ministry. He presented a message of hope and assurance that is available to young people through baptism.

Many of the participating church members concluded that this was an awesome experience worshiping and praising our God at this church.

Eli expressed gratitude to the host church, “Thank you for taking a special interest in advancing the work of the Lord. Your love and care towards this ministry are second to none. This is beautiful and worth talking about. May the goodness of the Lord not depart from your house.”

—Eli Gonzalez is the RMC Club Ministries executive coordinator. Photos supplied.