Rachel Williams – Cedaredge, Colorado … The month of October is known for apple picking and the annual Applefest in Cedaredge, Colorado. This year marked the fifth year the Cedaredge Adventist Church has participated in the festival.

The Cedaredge Church’s booth was managed by Patrick Williams, board chair and elder at the church, and multiple church members from Delta and Cedaredge.

While the crowds were smaller this year, and people weren’t purchasing festival goods like they usually do, they were willing to take the free literature offered at booth. Interest in the church was sparked thanks to Ellen G. White’s The Great Controversy handouts and KSYF radio.

One of the booth’s visitors was a gentleman who ended up leaving with a copy of The Great Controversy, and, later in the day, two ladies came by and filled their bags with literature. Some people took literature to share with their families, and others stayed to chat with the people working the booth.

Half the booth was dedicated to children’s literature, the Delta County Pioneer Pathfinder Club, and the Delta Seventh-day Adventist School. It was especially refreshing to see many young people coming to the booth. Teenagers and young adults even came interested in health literature.

One man stopped by and took information about the school to share with his family. He was trying to find an affordable private school for his grandchildren and was very pleased with the pricing and information he received.

The ministerial director for the Rocky Mountain Conference, Micky Mallory, preached the morning service during the first day of Applefest and stopped by the booth before and after church.

At the end of the two-day event, friendships were made, and the church was used by God in another wonderful way to reach the local community and out-of-town visitors.

—Rachel Williams is a Gen Z young adult and a leader in the Cedaredge Adventist Church. Photo by Mickey Mallory.