David Sakul with Dave Mundung – Denver, Colorado … In what became a historic moment for the First Denver Indonesian Church, the congregation participated in an induction ceremony for the Pathfinder and Adventurer clubs on November 12.

Officiated by Tyrone Douglas, Mid-America Union Conference director of youth and young adult ministry, together with Brandon Westgate, RMC youth director, the Pathfinder club was named “Mighty Arrows” and the Adventurer club was given the name, “White Dove.”

As the induction ceremony began, tears of joy were seen on the cheeks of parents and church members alike. [It was] a proud moment for everyone, and God’s name was praised above all,” reported David Sakul, church elder.

After Widy Gara, church pastor, opened the ceremony with prayer, the induction program followed with Pathfinders and Adventurers doing the march-in ceremony, Pledge of Allegiance, Pathfinder and Adventurer pledges, and an Adventurer pledge dedication prayer by visiting youth directors.

The ceremony included a special musical number from Aurora Hispanic Adventist Church.

Nineteen young people were inducted as members into the clubs.

“We praise the Lord for this event and pray for God’s continued blessings for the new Pathfinder and Adventurer clubs,” added Sakul.

–David Sakul is church elder, and Dave Mundung is Pathfinder club director. Photos supplied.