Dennis Magaña – Montrose, Colorado … The Montrose Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Church participated in their third Parade of Lights in Montrose, Colorado, December 2.

Planning for the Parade of Lights started in early November with the church deciding they would include two floats in this year’s parade. One float would depict the Nativity scene with Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. The second float would be decorated by and represent both Montrose Rockies Pathfinder and Adventurer clubs. There was much excitement in the church concerning the parade, as each year the participation grows, and every member plays a role in getting everything ready for the parade.

From the beginning, Montrose decided that participation in the parade would be an evangelistic effort as well. Not only does the church hand out candy to the children, but the adults receive literature to take home. This year, boxes of El Centinela were handed out to the parade watchers as were flyers describing what the Pathfinder and Adventurer clubs do and how to become a part of either club. Since it was also very cold outside, a chocolatito (hot chocolate) station was also set up on a street corner and over 20 gallons of hot chocolate were handed out along with free Adventist literature.

According to leadership of the Adventurer and Pathfinder clubs, this year’s participation was the best one yet, and that it was fun letting the community know who they are and sharing what the true meaning of Christmas is: that our Savior came down as a babe and was born. They also stated it was surprising to see how everyone would begin to sing the songs playing over the loudspeakers on our floats as we drove by.

“Everyone was playing secular Christmas music and singing along, but as soon as they heard ‘Joy to the World,’ or ‘O Holy Night,’ the singing would become even louder and it really became a moment of worship,” stated Kenneth Magaña, Pathfinder club leader.

Santo Valdez, pastor of the Montrose Hispanic Church, commented that he had never been a part of something like this and that it was cold! But he very happily reports that there is already one family that is interested in coming to the church after seeing the participation in the parade.

Before the floats started the parade route, all the participants split into groups and prayed, asking that the Holy Spirit be present and move amongst the parade watchers and touch hearts.

Ellen G. White wrote in The Ministry of Health and Healing (p. 73), “There is need of coming close to the people by personal effort. If less time were given to sermonizing, and more time were spent in personal ministry, greater results would be seen. The poor are to be relieved, the sick cared for, the sorrowing and the bereaved comforted, the ignorant instructed, the inexperienced counseled. We are to weep with those that weep and rejoice with those that rejoice. Accompanied by the power of persuasion, the power of prayer, the power of the love of God, this work will not, cannot, be without fruit.”

—Dennis Magaña is head elder at Montrose Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photos supplied.