Julia Santiago – Loveland, Colorado … The Campion Academy Staff Talent Show had all types of entertainment, including music presentations, skits, karaoke, magic tricks, a quiz game for parents, and many other presentations, November 18.

Dean Helm, Campion vice president for finance, awed the audience as “Helmdini,” presenting his skillful magic tricks. Catie, a Campion senior student, was one of the audience members called up front to participate in the show. She shared, “This was my first time being in the ‘Helmdini’ magic show. I was nervous at first, but, in the end, it was funny, and I enjoyed it.”

Several of the visiting parents were called to the stage to participate in a Jeopardy-style game hosted by Jill Harlow, Campion English Language Learners (ELL) and journalism teacher, about the slang that their teens use nowadays. “It was really exciting and funny when my dad went on stage for the teen language jeopardy,” Campion student Tobey Quillin commented. “I liked seeing him try to figure out what the terms were and laughed a lot when he did the floss,” he continued.

At the end of the program, Jordan Dubini, Campion assistant men’s dean and English teacher, hosted a newlywed style game show with staff couples Campion math teacher Haley Baker and her new fiancé Caleb Bib, and Campion librarian Lindsey Santana and her husband Shawn. They answered questions about their relationships made by the audience prior to the event. “It was actually pretty funny to answer those questions about my relationship,” shared Haley Baker, “I liked it especially because I knew the answers.”

The staff talent show closed the Campion Parent’s Weekend in an amusing way for both students and parents, setting the mood to start Thanksgiving break. “My family and I had so much fun. Having the talent show right before the break was a fun start to break,” expressed Vashty Segovia, a Campion student.

—Julia Santiago, Campion Student News Team. Photos by Julia Santiago.