Diane Harris – Denver, Colorado … The Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC) K-12 Board of Education met to discuss the future of Adventist education within the conference on September 5.

The K-12 board meets twice a year and constitutes a group of committed members that include pastors, laity, school board chairs, elementary and secondary principals, and conference leadership. The goal is to create a positive impact that works in harmony with the mission and vision of RMC Administration.

At the heart of our mission is the commitment to grow our schools, not just in numbers but in the depth of learning experiences. This means working to provide opportunities to help students grow in mind, body, and spirit and build on the principles of Adventist education.

Professional development emerged as a vital focus during the meeting. The board believes that by investing in the educators, they invest in the future of the students. They are committed to nurturing the talents of the teachers and providing them with the tools and training they need to excel in their roles. This idea is based on the research that the most significant factor in influencing student achievement is whether students are given a clear purpose and can understand their learning journey.

The committee heard from RMC educators Jessica Gleason, a teacher from Mile High Academy, Rachel Fetroe, a teacher from Vista Ridge Academy, and Marsha Bartulec, principal at Vista Ridge Academy, about how professional development has influenced their leadership and teaching. Through collaboration and mentorship, the goal is to foster a sense of community among the teachers, strengthening schools and promoting collective excellence.

Diane Harris, RMC superintendent of education, remarked, “As we closed the meeting, we shared that 60% of our students do not identify as Seventh-day Adventists. What a wonderful opportunity to partner with our churches to reach these families to share the blessing of our message. Together, we can continue to work towards accomplishing the Three Angels Message as we build bridges within our communities.”

—Diane Harris is the RMC superintendent of education. Photo supplied.