Rubén Rivera – Denver, Colorado … The Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC) Hispanic Camp Meeting assembled at Glacier View Ranch in Ward, Colorado, September 1-3. The Camp Meeting is the largest group who visits Glacier View Ranch with around 500 participants attending this event.

Every year the organizers face several challenges to accommodate the growing group in the lodge, cabins, RVs, campers, and Sabbath day visitors, which is a “good challenge.”

The topic for this year was “perspectives, challenges, and mission for the church in the end times.” The main speaker was Dr. Antonio Rosario, a retired minister, who encouraged and inspired the participants to serve and live faithfully during this time. His wife, Wanda Rosario, sang after each of her husband’s presentations.

Dr. Rosario remarked, “I am impressed by the beautiful spirit of the attendees expressed in our meetings and the very good team of pastors that the Rocky Mountain Conference has. Sandra Santos, a volunteer from the children’s program mentioned, ‘It’s very exciting to see many people here, and I feel very grateful to serve and share the love of God to our children’.”

Three other programs and services convened simultaneously. Cesia Alvarado-Zemleduch, a writer, educator, and children’s speaker from the Central California Conference, was the main guest speaker for the children’s program. Pastors Mario and Natali Alvarado from the Utah-Nevada Conference provided the youth program. The adult program was provided by Pastor Samuel Aponte, an international preacher and singer, and praised the Lord and shared deep messages.

One of the most fulfilling experiences was that eight precious souls that dedicated their life to Jesus through baptism. Pastor Frank Wilson, lead pastor of the Aurora, Denver, and Westminster Hispanic churches and Carbon Valley Adventist Company, and Pastor David Rodriguez, lead pastor of the Boulder and Brighton Hispanic and El Refugio churches, performed the ceremony.

Manuel Rocha, attendee and member of the Denver South Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Church, expressed, “My wife and I recognize the real value and experience of being here.”

The roughly 500 participants that attended this event enjoyed fellowship, good food, worship, and, especially, had a deep personal encounter with the Lord.

—Rubén Rivera is the RMC Hispanic Ministries coordinator. Photos by Daniel Gonzalez.