Sarah Hernandez – Aurora, Colorado … This year’s Literature Ministry Youth Rush in the Rocky Mountain Conference has started off strong with 19 students deciding to dedicate their lives this summer working in the Lord’s Literature Evangelism program.
Youth Rush not only consists of a summer based on faith and powerful door-to-door experiences, but of powerful life changing testimonies as well. This week’s testimonies have helped not only our students but also our leaders to realize that God is working. Testimonies from two of our students share their experience—not only about selling books, but about strengthening their own spiritual experiences.
Vanessa, 15, from Quemado, New Mexico, recently had a first door experience. After fervently praying for a first door experience, Vanessa’s prayer was answered in a very interesting manner.
Vanessa shared that one afternoon after lunch, “My leader had dropped me off at our new territory. My prayer throughout that day had been to have a first door experience. I had started to approach my very first door that evening and started to pray as I rang the doorbell. I started canvassing a man who opened the door by telling him about the books. I had thought to myself that he wouldn’t be interested and that he would just reject the books.”
“But he proceeded to tell me that he would be interested but he didn’t know if his wife was going to be interested, too. ‘Honey, are you interested in cookbooks or books to help you go to school?’ His wife responded, ‘Tell her we are not interested, and we have no time for her.’ ”
“Then he tells me, ‘Well you heard my wife,’ but then asked me where I was from? ‘I am from Quemado, New Mexico,’ I answered. He was surprised and said that he was also from there and had family still living there. After hearing this, his wife came dashing too the door with a check book in her hand and said that she couldn’t believe that I was from Quemado, New Mexico. When she heard where I was from, she immediately felt the need to donate. After looking at various books, the couple decided to donate not only for The Great Controversy, but also donated more.”
Vanessa’s experience told us that, when we really believe with our hearts, God will hear us and answer our prayers.
Mallory, 17, comes from California. She shared an experience with a lady that helped her realize that God puts us at peoples’ doors for a reason.
“I was being dropped off at a new location, and I started making my way to the second house on the street. A lady opened the door, and I gladly started to share with her what I was doing. I showed her Simply Fresh and flipped through the pages. She looked at me and was like, ‘Oh now I’ve got to get it because you showed me my favorite foods.’ I also showed her our devotional set which includes Peace Above the Storm and Lessons of Love. She was really interested in the set and asked me if I was a Christian. I told her I’m a Seventh-day Adventist.”
“We talked for a little longer and I mentioned how I had just finished high school and was going to start college in the fall to become a nurse. She smiled and was like ‘That is amazing! Now when you become a nurse, who will you be healing for?’ I looked at her and confused and smiled, puzzled by the question. I then responded by saying ‘I’m sorry what?’ She then said, ‘Will you be healing for the Lord?’ I smiled and said, ‘Yes I’d be healing for the Lord.’ She jumped in excitement and went into the house for $100 for my school. She was super excited and happy I came to her door. She gave me a hug and told me to keep working for the Lord and to not give up on becoming a nurse because I’ll be able to serve the Lord through it.”
From a leaders’ perspective, literature ministry is just as important to a leader as it is to a student. Nicholas Lesch, a Leader from Redlands, California, is on his eighth Youth Rush summer. Working in this ministry has helped him not only share the gospel and change his life but change many other people’s lives as well.
—Sarah Hernandez is the communication assistant for RMC literature ministries. Photos supplied.