Debbi Lake – Boulder, Colorado … The Boulder Adventist Church congregation joined Graham Stafford, Ellie and Anderson King, and Harper Drane’s families and friends to join in their commitment to Jesus and witness their spiritual birthdays.

Graham is the son of Jared and Dani Stafford, Ellie and Anderson are the children of Elia and Dena King, and Harper is the daughter of Dalton and Melissa Drane. Siblings Dena, Dani, and Dalton and their families all live close enough to see each other often being members of the Boulder Adventist Church. Dalton passed away in 2021.

Dena King commented, “It was a wonderful day having two of my children as well as nephew and niece baptized together.”

J. Murdock, former associate pastor at Boulder Church and currently a chaplain in California, came to Boulder to baptize Ellie, Anderson, and Graham. Another former associate Boulder pastor, Jessyka Dooley, was invited to baptize Harper.

—Debbi Lake is the Boulder Church office manager and communication director. Photo supplied.