Rubén Rivera – Denver, Colorado … Under the motto “United to grow,” almost 340 attendees from the Hispanic churches of the Denver Metro area met in the Mile High Academy (MHA), August 12. The purpose of the gathering was to worship together and revitalize our church members for mission.

The guest speaker was Armando Miranda, a former vice president for the General Conference. During his first message, he appealed the Hispanic community to be more involved in Christian education. And he encouraged the attendees to prepare God’s church for mission and be ready for the Second Coming of Jesus in his second presentation.

“It was very valuable to listen the importance of Christian education, because, today, I affirmed that is one of the best ways to keep our children in the path of the Lord,” said Mario Bercian, retired Adventist pastor.

Paul Negrete, RMC Department of Education associate superintendent, commented, “The messages were very inspiring, and I hope we may have this event again next year.”

“Today was the opportunity to meet again with friends from other churches, and how can be united to accomplish the Lord’s work,” remarked Sandra De Leon, member of Denver South Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The Hispanic Adventist churches appreciate MAH for the opportunity to use their facilities and thank the Hispanic pastors for their support to make this event happen.

—Rubén Rivera is the RMC Hispanic Ministries coordinator. Photos by Daniel González.