By Nate Elias — Have you ever changed the thinking of someone on a social media debate? I rarely see in-person debates sway a person’s opinion let alone an online debate. Yet Christians have joined the social media debates (or more likely online wars) of opinion.

When God incarnate, made his earthly presence, he entered into a world of debate. The Jewish nation all wanted the same thing, freedom from Rome. The Jews developed factions based on their opinions concerning solutions to their occupation.

Considering the people Jesus invited into his circle of influence, Jesus wasn’t oblivious to the debate in Israel. Jesus included James and John, the sons of thunder (Mark 3:16), who believed in the violent overthrow of Rome. Then there is Matthew the tax collector (Matthew 9:9). He didn’t even keep fighting against Rome; he joined Rome. In between the two extremes were the Jewish religious leaders trying to work with and against Rome.

It would make sense that with this much debate and conflict that Jesus would have spent a significant amount of time expressing his position and debating against one side or the other in the conflict. Yet there are only a few minor references to Jesus even acknowledging the debate was taking place. How could Jesus separate himself from the constant battle while still bringing individuals from both extremes of the debate into his community?


As I consider our current struggle of existing with Covid 19 and all its variants, I wonder how Jesus would handle the debate? Would Jesus pick a side? Would he get on social media and post opinions? How would Jesus bring the church, his body here on planet earth, together when so divided by “facts” and “opinions?”

The Jewish community had a confession of their faith, Shema, that was part of their daily worship experience. “Love the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 6:5). Jesus stated this as the greatest command of God. He then followed up with, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39). While the Jews bickered over the oppression of Rome, Jesus sought to redirect the Jewish focus to what it meant to love God and love each other. While the Jews fought against each other over salvation from Rome, Jesus brought eternal salvation from sin.


Do we need to be redirected by God to understand the love of God? The Apostle John wrote, “For God so loved the Cosmos, Universe, that He gave his only Son, Jesus” (John 3:16). In 1 John 3:16 John wrote, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children
of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1)

Three words come to mind—compassion, respect, and value—in following God’s invitation to love others. Every human being is born in the image of God. You have a personal story that drives your response to life. Having compassion means, I listen to your story that has impacted you. Respecting each person as a child of God is beautiful and difficult.

We are equal in value to God. We are equally God’s children. When I look at you, do I see my equal?

If I see you as my equal and God’s child, I won’t attack you online or in-person. I can disagree and don’t have to attack. God help us learn to love as he first loved us.

–Nate Elias, is pastor at the Piedmont Park Seventh-day Adventist Church in Lincoln, Nebraska; photo supplied.

This article was originally published on Outlook Magazine’s website