Samantha Nelson – Cody, Wyoming … Faith, friends, fun, games, pizza, and toasted marshmallows were a part of the all-night festivities the Cody Cowboys Pathfinder Club enjoyed on New Year’s Eve. 

Hosted and chaperoned by club director Hardy Tyson, his wife Lori, and assistant club director Anita Holdren, the overnight celebration began at 6:00 p.m. with prayer by Pastor Steve Nelson and homemade pizza. The night continued with a multiplicity of games, prizes, and more.

This event—the first of its kind in Cody—was a great success, and the kids (and adults) enjoyed themselves immensely as they rang in the New Year together. There was a countdown to midnight and a celebration with sparkling apple cider that lasted until 2:00 a.m. when everyone retired to get some rest.

Kailyn Jones, who especially loved the games and staying up until 1:30 a.m., said, “Oh my, it was SO FUN!!!”

Cedar Jeffers, former Teen Leader in Training, commented, “It was so much fun to celebrate the New Year and play tons of fun games with friends!”

Eric Holdren, Jr., one of the newest Teen Leaders in Training, said, “The New Year’s Eve sleepover was one of my favorite activities we have done so far in Pathfinders. I enjoyed all the activities, but my favorite parts were playing Risk with Hardy and Micah, sitting out by the bonfire talking with Kat, Micah and Kailyn, and roasting marshmallows with everyone.

“We counted down the last ten seconds till the start of the New Year and then drank sparkling apple juice at midnight. We went to bed at 2 a.m. and got up the next morning and enjoyed a big breakfast. Looking forward to doing it again next year,” Eric continued.

From the feedback received from the kids, it sounds as though the all-night New Year’s Eve party is going to be an annual event for all the youth. And, really, what better way to ring in the New Year than in our Father’s house with our church family and friends!

—Samantha Nelson reports from the Cody Seventh-day Adventist Church in Cody, Wyoming. Her husband, Steve, pastors Northwestern Wyoming churches. Photos by Anita Holdren, Hardy Tyson, Samantha Nelson, Eric Holdren, Jr.