Jana Thurber – Denver, Colorado … In the Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC), we have the privilege of joining our world-wide Adventist church family in spending a few days where we really take seriously the privilege of prayer through the 10 Days of Prayer initiative by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Ministerial Association, January 10-20.

Praying together binds us in ways we might never understand. But just imagine what power might be unleashed if all God’s people all over the world take seriously praying together for the advancement of God’s kingdom. What a powerful change this would make in our own hearts and lives to be ready for that kingdom to come!

If you haven’t invested much time in prayer with your church’s prayer leaders until now, this would be a great time to get a good sense of how powerful this could be in your life and the life of your church.

It is not hard to do 10 Days of Prayer, it just requires you set aside a few minutes each day. Every church might do it a little differently, so talk to your pastor or church prayer leader and find out what your church is doing. See how you can participate in this wonderful opportunity that we have.

Some churches are planning evening Zoom prayer calls together for an hour following a guide of praise, repentance, intercession, and thanksgiving. Other people are participating in morning prayer phone calls for a half hour or a full hour. Pastors might also include Sabbath sermons highlighting prayer and the Holy Spirit’s power which comes from life-changing communion with our Creator God.

Here are some resource links for more ideas on how to grow your own personal prayer ministry, a children’s prayer ministry, or a church’s prayer ministry.







A woman on the East Coast connected with me and asked if her name could be added to my weekly prayer warriors list for intercessory prayer. She had an urgent health need. We earnestly lifted her needs to God in prayer.

When one prayer warrior recognized the heath issue, she quickly referred to a book that dealt with healing foods and protocols for the woman’s particular health issue. God unleashed his perfect creatively-timed power allowing one person to help another person with information that would produce healing—all because of a prayer request.

When we take hold of this mighty God of ours—this Creator of the Universe and Savior who is eager and willing to deliver all who come to Him—God’s answers come in small or large packages.

I would love to hear of your experience over the 10 days of prayer. Email me at janat@rmcsda.org to share your story with me. I will only share anonymously, and, with your permission, the answered prayers you share.

It is very encouraging for us to hear how prayer mattered in someone’s life, and how it makes a difference when we come together and present our needs to God. I invite you to participate in the upcoming 10 Days of Prayer. I promise you will be blessed.

—Jana Thurber is the RMC women’s ministries and prayer ministries director as well as pastoral spouse support. Photo by Unsplash.