By Gordon Anic

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge    and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,  filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. [Philippians 1:9-11 NIV]

These words are more appropriate now than they ever were. Life has become one giant stadium with millions of people screaming into millions of microphones and all of that noise is directed at you and me. I don’t know about you but for me it is overwhelming.

I have a job which requires me to be on call all the time. I have bills to pay, my health to take care of and my family to worry about. That family, until July 26th. included my mom. In early July she fell and was taken to the hospital which informed us that she was COVID positive. Our lives turned upside down.

All of a sudden, the noise of the world faded away and all I could focus on was my mother. Things that were important became unimportant and were put on hold. Major issues became minor issues. The world with all of its demands and impositions just didn’t matter anymore.

It is interesting how most of us need a major kick in the pants to slow down, tune out, turn off, walk away and seek peace. Apostle Paul said, “It is my prayer … that you may discern what is best…”

Funny thing is that we all know what is best. Knowledge is no longer reserved for the rich and learned. In the age of information, all knowledge is at your fingerprints. What’s even more amazing is that the right knowledge has always been in our hearts. In your gut you always knew what was best and how to be pure for the day of Christ, but the desires and problems of this world are powerful. We become immersed into recipe of life that Satan has designed. We look around us and we want what the world has to offer. We become over involved in the affairs of the world too such a degree that we become under involved in the affairs of God’s kingdom.

I think it is time for Christians to slow down and tune the world out. Time to go back to basics of prayer, study and time in nature. Next few years are shaping out to be the most significant time to spread the gospel since the apostles received the Holy Spirit at the Pentecost. That time will come and go. Some of us will be ready to go and work while others will be asleep.

Now is the time to discern what you must do to fill your life with Jesus and his righteousness. Now is the time to prepare for the coming of our Lord.

Gordon Anic is pastor of Arvada Adventist Church