Miloš Tomić – Arvada, Colorado … It’s been three months now since Arvada Adventist Church in Arvada, Colorado, started providing weekly aid to the Venezuelan refugees in the way of food, clothes, hygiene products, hugs, and prayers.
As the refugee crisis grows in the city of Denver, these families turned out to be the worst “collateral damage” in a highly politicized humanitarian struggle involving immigrants. Even the followers of Christ have not been immune to falling victims to such a mentality and succumbing to not offering a helping hand because of the way these people are being portrayed in the media.
Members of the congregation had an opportunity and the privilege to get to know some of these immigrants. And guess what, they are just like us. They want to raise their kids in the safety of freedom; they want to make enough money to sustain their families.
They just want to live. They don’t want handouts. They want to work. They don’t understand our immigration system or our laws. All they knew when they left their homes was that there is hope ahead and not behind them. And now they are here, and we must not sit idle.
Obviously, they need help. If you would like to be involved and donate, children’s clothes, hygiene products, and adult work clothes suited for winter are in great need. The kids get excited about receiving a winter jacket and gloves. There are small things that make a difference, and you can witness a big smile on a child’s face when they receive a doll or a toy car.
As Jesus embraced a small child, so can we. Please reach out to me Miloš Tomić at to see how you can help.
—Miloš Tomić is the associate pastor at Arvada Adventist Church. Photos supplied.