Jose R. Alarcon – Aurora, Colorado … The Aurora First Seventh-day Adventist Church in Aurora, Colorado, celebrated their first Pathfinder induction service as the “God’s Warriors Club,” their newly adopted name, together with the host Pathfinder club from the Denver South Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Church in Denver, Colorado, January 27. The event was well attended by both churches with almost 90 participants.
The Aurora First Pathfinder club is striving forward as they prepare for this year’s International Camporee in Gillette, Wyoming, with the celebration of their first Pathfinders’ Sabbath under their renewed identity, February 10. Club members participated during the Second Service as the praise team, deacons and deaconesses, and by providing the special music. They invited Bob Miller, Elder at Aroura First, as their speaker who addressed them from the subject of Honor based on the fifth commandment of Exodus 20:12.
During the evening, the God’s Warrior Club conducted a very successful fundraiser to those in attendance who were there to convey their support. The well-coordinated event had food for sale, table-games, basketball, soccer, a game of Bible Pictionary, crafts, and an inflatable slide. Among the attendees was the Denver South Pathfinders club, that showed its full support, and local members and guests.
Many local church members shared their appreciation for the camaraderie and the reenergized atmosphere that the club’s members and staff have brought to the church. They congratulated Jonathan Dominguez, club director, and his staff for coordinating such a spiritual and well put together event.
Anchoring in this new identity is a strong commitment to God and to the Club’s guidelines, as the club members and staff engage in ministry and service. The Psalmist wrote, Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle (Psalms 144:1, NIV). The Aurora First Church fully supports their club and their efforts as they prepare for the International Camporee and beyond.
—Jose R. Alarcon is the lead pastor at the Aurora First Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photos supplied.