By David Klemm … Fruita, Colorado -Ten men from the Fruita and Grand Junction Seventh-day Adventist churches gathered for fun and fellowship on a beautiful fall day at James Robb State Park in Fruita, Colorado. Five early arrivals rode bikes from the park to the end of Riverfront trail, which ends about four miles shy of Utah. A wonderful and relatively easy ride, the last several hundred yards is a leg-burning, steep climb to the top.
Back at the park after the ride, the entire group gathered, while some of the old fellows played a game of pick-up football and showed surprising arm strength and catching skills.
“At the foot of the Bookcliffs mountain range by the mighty Colorado River, it was pleasant to hang out with guys we haven’t seen in recent months and enjoy a relaxed schedule,” commented David Klemm from Grand Junction.
The group discussed what should be pursued as hands-on service projects. Several options were discussed, including benefiting food pantries and the local hospice. The group agreed to put our “shoulders to the gospel plow” as soon as possible.
“Even though social distancing was necessary, the fresh air and laughter lifted our spirits. We were truly blessed to have this time together,” David Klemm added.
–David Klemm is a member of the Grand Junction Church; photos supplied.