Annahi Hufman – Montrose, Colorado … The Montrose Seventh-day Adventist Church in Montrose, Colorado, loaded up their side-by-sides, four wheelers, bicycles, campers, tents, and hiking shoes for a weekend of fellowship starting April 11.

April 11-12 was spent setting up camp. For those who arrived on April 11, they hiked as the rest of the participating church family arrived April 12.

“With a great group of around 50 people, plus some fur buddies included, we came together to explore what beautiful Moab had to offer,” commented participant and Montrose Church member, Annahi Hufman. “We welcomed the Sabbath surrounding a cozy campfire as we sang beautiful hymns and shared a beautiful message that was led by the wonderful [Elder] Larry Dupper.”

She continued, “Sabbath is a happy day, so what a better way to enjoy our Sabbath day than to have our pastor give an encouraging devotion before everyone went on to their separate ways.” One of the powerful messages that Nathan Cranson, lead pastor at the Montrose Church, shared with participants is to unplug and enjoy the presence of God.

Many people often are on “go-mode” and become so busy that they often overlook what God is trying to tell them. With that powerful message, participants thought about slowing down and letting God lead. They found this camping trip a great opportunity to begin doing that.

The Sabbath worship was closed out with campfire led out by Dan Golden, a member of the Montrose Church.

“This church campout gave our church a chance to hangout outside of the regular church activities, to get to know one another on a different level,” commented one participant.

“As our amazing campout came to an end, and as we all cleaned up and went our separate ways Sunday morning, we left with a greater view of how close we became throughout this church campout. What a Blessing indeed,” commented Hufman.

—Annahi Hufman writes from the Montrose Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photos supplied.