Caylee Campbell – Highlands Ranch, Colorado … The middle school students at Mile High Academy (MHA) in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, participated in an Agape feast and communion service, November 3.
This special evening came at the end of the school’s FOCUS week, where they spent time to “Focus On Christ’s Ultimate Sacrifice.” Throughout the week, they had daily chapel services lead by two pastors in the community, and they also engaged in the annual all-school “Love Matters Most” service day.
The middle school Agape feast was an unforgettable experience as every middle schooler who attended not only enjoyed delicious food but also learned about the significance of communion. They learned why we hold communion services and why those services are so meaningful. The communion service, for instance, traces back to the Last Supper where Jesus broke bread symbolizing his self-sacrifice and passed around a cup that representing his blood—a seal of God’s covenant and the forgiveness of sins.
During the event, the students also participated in a foot washing service to connect to when all the disciples were waiting for servants to wash their feet before their supper with Jesus. When no one stepped forward, Jesus humbly took on the role of a servant, taking off his garments and wrapping a towel around himself. He then washed the disciples’ feet one by one and wiped them on the towel that covered him. This act symbolized Jesus taking upon himself the sins of the disciples.
The students extended their heartfelt gratitude to the middle school teachers for orchestrating this special evening and to Pastor Godfrey Miranda, head pastor at Littleton Seventh-day Adventist Church, for helping guide them as they learned the special meaning behind the communion service.
—Caylee Campbell is an eighth-grade student at Mile High Academy. Photos supplied.